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    Networking for Job Seekers in COVID-19

    San Francisco Campus

    GA SF
    225 Bush Street, 5th Floor (East Entrance)
    San Francisco CA 94104

    Networking for Job Seekers in COVID-19 | San Francisco

    San Francisco Campus

    GA SF
    225 Bush Street, 5th Floor (East Entrance)
    San Francisco CA 94104

    About this event

    Tapping the hidden job market through networking takes more planning and intention than simply submitting an application for a new job online, but it’s much more effective if you are doing it right. Being open to connecting with and helping others – especially in uncertain times – can give you valuable connections in your chosen field, help you stay focused and motivated during your job search and get you the job of your dreams.

    Networking does, however, make a lot of people nervous. 'What is my story? Should I talk about the elephant in the room? How can I get a new job, let alone make new connections when I'm staying at home during this shelter-in-place? How can I attract something better than what I have?'

    This webinar – Networking for Job Seekers in COVID-19 – has been designed to address those specific concerns and more. You will leave this webinar not only having a game plan for your networking experiences but also feeling more confident in yourself and your ability to make meaningful connections during this trying time that will help further your career.

    Reserve your spot now! Space is limited.


    • Learn how to meet valuable contacts on apps and online
    • Establish and maintain authentic relationships
    • Frame your existing employment situation in a positive light
    • Get the most out of virtual/remote networking events

    and More!

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