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4 Mental Blocks Preventing You From Landing Your Dream Job (and How To Get Over Them)



In today¡¯s ever-changing economy, searching for a job is hard work. The number of jobs, types of jobs, and even pathways into jobs are transforming at a pace that can feel impossible to keep up with. Add the desire to find a career that feels meaningful and fulfilling, and the job search can becoming a maddening task.

The path to a successful job search often starts with your own mindset. Consider how you think about yourself, your options, and the process to landing a job. These answers will help you form the foundation for the results you can achieve.

As a coach, educator, and practitioner, I work with clients to help them overcome common mental hang-ups that may be preventing them from landing their dream job.

Below are four of the negative mindsets that I see most often, and strategies you can use to overcome them.

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Engineered to Code: A Civil Engineer’s Journey Back to Basics

By and

When Martin isn’t relaxing by the campfire with one of his favorite sci-fi novels, you may?find him coding his next project. Having worked as a Civil Engineer for years, an?NPR marketplace?segment (ironically featuring one of our Web Development Immersive graduates) inspired?him to make a career shift. Twelve?weeks later,?he’s on the hunt for his first?job in his new career.?

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