Adrian Bautista, Author at 足球竞彩网 Assembly Blog

Getting Started with Sublime Text 3: 25 Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts


Computer with blinking text selector

Note: Sublime Text 4 has since been released and is available here.

Sublime Text 3 (ST3) is the former version of one of the most commonly used plain text editors by web developers, coders, and programmers. It is a source code editor that has a Python programming surface or API. It is able to support C++ and the Python programming language. Plus, functions can be added by any user with a plugin.

Make the most of ST3 with the 25 tips and tricks in this ultimate guide for web developers. Learn not only how to use Sublime Text 3, but also about must-have packages, useful keyboard shortcuts, and more.

1. User Preference Settings

By default, ST3 uses hard-tabs that are 4 characters long. This can result in hard-to-read code, as large tabular indents push your work to the right. I recommend all developers add this to their user settings (Sublime Text 3 => Preferences => Settings ¨C User):

    "draw_white_space": "all",
    "rulers": [80],
    "tab_size": 2,
    "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true

This setting converts hard-tabs to spaces, makes indents only two characters long, puts a ruler at the 80 character mark (to remind you to keep your code concise), and adds white space markers. Here is a complete list of preference options if you wish to continue customizing your ST3 environment.
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Digital Marketing Skills Give Journalist a New Angle on Her Career

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Armed with an MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science, Lauren decided to add digital marketing skills to her tool-kit to make herself even more competitive. Now, Lauren works for Aha! leading their content strategy and marketing.

Follow Lauren?on?Twitter:?@laurenmaffeo

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Laugh & Learn Newsletter Lightens Up The Tech Conversation

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Salman came to 足球竞彩网 Assembly as an engineer looking for a tech community to jump into. He ended up as a beloved Back-End Web Development instructor, both in New York City and San Francisco. Realizing the importance of?“soft skills” for developers, he started the Laugh & Learn newsletter to provide a well-rounded continued learning experience for his students and job-seeking techies.?

Salman will be teaching Building Startup Ideas at our San Francisco campus on Thursday 7, May, 2015.

Follow Salman on?Twitter:?@daretorant

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Engineered to Code: A Civil Engineer’s Journey Back to Basics

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When Martin isn’t relaxing by the campfire with one of his favorite sci-fi novels, you may?find him coding his next project. Having worked as a Civil Engineer for years, an?NPR marketplace?segment (ironically featuring one of our Web Development Immersive graduates) inspired?him to make a career shift. Twelve?weeks later,?he’s on the hunt for his first?job in his new career.?

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