How to Make a UX Design Portfolio That Stands Out: A Complete Guide


In the highly competitive world of UX design, your portfolio serves as a critical tool for landing job interviews and advancing your career. It’s more than just a collection of your work ¡ª it’s a reflection of your design process, problem-solving abilities, and creative flair. A well-crafted portfolio can set you apart from other candidates and open doors to new opportunities.

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GA GRAD GUEST BLOG: How to Quit Your Job and Embark on a Complete Career Change


GA grad guest blog graphic

Knowing when to quit isn¡¯t easy. Most of us have been conditioned to believe that persistence against all odds and steadfast dedication should be revered above all. But there¡¯s tremendous power in knowing when to throw in the towel, so that you can make space for bigger and better intentions.

In this post, we¡¯ll explore how to quit your job gracefully so you can focus on a complete career change. Plus, we¡¯ll demystify some of the fears behind going all-in and quitting (and why quitting doesn¡¯t make you a quitter).

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Celebrating the Rise of Mothers in Tech: Helping Moms Make Waves in Software Engineering, Data Analytics, Data Science, and UX Design


Let¡¯s face it ¡ª Mother¡¯s Day should be every day. But officially, every second Sunday in May, we have the special day to honor and celebrate the incredible women who¡¯ve shaped our lives and inspired us to reach for the stars. 

In the world of technology, there are countless moms not only balancing the demands of motherhood, but also making significant contributions to fields like software engineering, data analytics, data science, and user experience design. As we celebrate Mother’s Day this year, let’s shine a spotlight on some of the trailblazers helping moms make waves across tech disciplines.

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Reimagining Talent Pipelines: 3 Questions to Shape Your Approach in the Age of AI


足球竞彩网 Assembly & SIA Webinar

AI is rapidly changing how people think and work ¡ª which means organizations need top talent in AI-focused roles to compete. But AI is a burgeoning technology ¡ª not only are organizations¡¯ existing workforces not equipped with necessary AI skills, but these skills are typically not available via traditional education systems.

Recently, 足球竞彩网 Assembly and Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) presented a webinar titled, ¡°Reimagining Talent Pipelines: Igniting Innovation through Upskilling, Reskilling, and Hire-Train-Deploy,¡± exploring ways to upskill for AI and hire more diverse, job-ready talent using innovative talent pipeline strategies. Read on for key AI skills gap insights from this expert panel:

  • Daniele Grassi, Chief Executive Officer, 足球竞彩网 Assembly
  • Cari Perez, Senior Account Director, 足球竞彩网 Assembly
  • Amy Horvat, Research Analyst, SIA
  • Stephen Clancy, Senior Director, CWS Knowledge and Research, SIA
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Meet the CMO helping lead 足球竞彩网 Assembly into the future


Jourdan Hathaway

Jourdan Hathaway ¡ª bridging the gap between learning and work

Jourdan Hathaway has served as the chief marketing officer of 足球竞彩网 Assembly since December 2023. Working side-by-side with our sales and product teams, she leads brand and product marketing, growth and demand generation, performance, journey nurture, martech operations, admissions, alumni relations, and revenue operations for 足球竞彩网 Assembly¡¯s product portfolio of bootcamps, short-form courses, and workshops.

Prior to her current role, she accrued valuable experience in a variety of sectors, including marketing, software development, and online program management, where for nearly 12 years she worked on roughly 800 online education programs for around 67 universities.

We recently sat down and got her take on a variety of hot topics¡­

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Celebrating AAPI Tech Trailblazers: Pioneers in Software Engineering, Data Analytics, Data Science, and UX Design


At 足球竞彩网 Assembly, we know the power that comes with people being able to pursue a meaningful career they love. And we¡¯re excited to be able to celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month by highlighting AAPI tech trailblazers who¡¯ve made their mark on our core bootcamp disciplines ¡ª software engineering, data analytics, data science, and user experience (UX) design. 

AAPI talent has long played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of the tech industry. From software engineering to data analytics, data science, and user experience design, AAPI tech trailblazers have made significant contributions that have revolutionized how we interact with technology. Here are just some of the remarkable individuals who¡¯ve blazed trails and left an indelible mark on the tech world.

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Career Tarotscopes for May 2024

By and

GA Astrology Career Card Deck

Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her cards and has insight for which signs should take May’s Taurus treat-yourself cues to utilize some much-needed PTO and which signs should keep plugging away. She also has some tips for what the Mars/Chiron Conjunction will bring regarding critical meetings at the end of the month.

May, like a gentle breeze after a storm, brings a necessary reprieve from the chaos of the eclipse season in April. It’s a time to breathe, regroup, and prepare for the opportunities that lie ahead. The month commences with a potent new moon in Taurus on May 8, offering us a chance to anchor ourselves in a steadier, more serene pace. But don’t mistake this tranquility for stagnation. As Mercury concludes its post-shadow retrograde phase on May 13, get ready for a surge of green lights and new opportunities. The full moon in Sagittarius on May 23 ushers in a period of accelerated progress, particularly regarding launches and kickoff meetings. And with a Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Taurus on the same day, the potential for new partnerships, including those with investors and clients, is significantly boosted. The latter half of May sets the stage for substantial progress, but be mindful of your words and actions on Wednesday, May 29, as Mars will be conjunct with Chiron, potentially sparking conflicts.

All signs are likely to feel more grounded this month than in April. Taurus brings a steadiness to get us back on track toward long-term goals for Q2. Read on to see what the cards have in store for your sign.

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From Ag to AI: Reimagining Tech Talent at John Deere


From Ag to AI: Reimagining Tech Talent at John Deere

When discussing innovative tech firms, 187-year-old John Deere might not be the first name that springs to mind. Known better for its iconic green and yellow tractors and trendy hats, most people are surprised to learn that the company is also a pioneer and long-time leader in AI and robotics.

The storied agricultural industry giant currently boasts an impressive array of technological achievements:

  • It is the world¡¯s largest autonomous vehicle operator
  • It recently sealed a game-changing partnership with SpaceX to bring SATCOM connectivity to its machinery
  • It¡¯s earned top honors for Innovation in Robotics at the CES? Innovation Awards

While John Deere’s evolution from traditional manufacturer to tech powerhouse has been ongoing for decades, it wasn’t until 2019 that the transformation hit full throttle with the adoption of an Agile operating model.

The initiative¡¯s success largely hinged on reimagining the company¡¯s approach to talent management, along with advancing a fundamental shift in organizational culture. ¡°Our Agile move was about becoming a customer-centric organization and really transforming how the entire company worked,¡± explains Renae Shannon, Global IT HR business partner at John Deere. 

Below, we share her insights on how John Deere built a tech-forward workforce ¡ª and the pivotal role HR professionals play in shaping the workforces of the future.

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Introducing the Most Flexible Way to Break into a User Experience Design or Data Analytics Career: GA¡¯s New Part-Time UX Design and Data Analytics Bootcamps


We recently introduced our new part-time Software Engineering Bootcamp, giving learners the unique ability to hit start on a new coding career without pressing pause on their life. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, and we¡¯re excited to announce two more new part-time bootcamps to our program mix ¡ª a part-time UX Design Bootcamp and a part-time Data Analytics Bootcamp.

All our part-time bootcamps are specially designed to fit learning into your life ¡ª understanding your schedule is already action-packed. Now you have the opportunity to learn at your own pace and dedicate time when it works for you. To learn without having to quit your job. With our new part-time bootcamps, in just 15 hours a week, you get the tech skills you need to jumpstart your new career. 

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What is a Full-Stack Developer? Skills & Career Paths Explained


Introduction to Full-Stack Development

Ever wondered how websites and apps are built from scratch? Meet the full-stack developer ¡ª the versatile tech expert who can handle both the visible and invisible parts of web applications. A full-stack developer knows how to design an engaging front-end for users and also how to construct the powerful back-end that processes all the data. This dual capability makes them highly sought after in the tech industry.

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