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Business Analytics Vs Data Analytics: What’s the Difference?


Featuring Insights From Iun Chen & Vish Srivastava

Read: 4 Minutes

Data analytics and business analytics are often confused, understandably, because both data analysts and business analysts work with data. What matters ¡ª and differentiates these two roles ¡ª is what the data is intended to do.

When comparing the roles of business analyst and data analyst, one must consider the audience. Who will be taking action based on the analyses?

Business analysts use data to improve business metrics.

Business analysts work directly with stakeholders to steer company objectives and keep the business on a successful path. They set and maintain key performance indicators for the organization. A business analyst may recommend strategies or business plans to executives, sometimes when a company is at a critical juncture, say quarterly or during a turnaround. Stakes can be high, but so can the rewards. (Think McKinsey analysts or other coveted consultancy jobs.) Business analysts are more likely to use presentation skills as they¡¯ll need to present findings to executives and give recommendations in high-level meetings. 

Data analysts collect, extract, and analyze data.

Data analysts are more technically focused. They are responsible for getting the data and analyzing it, working with datasets and tables. For example, a data analyst at an eCommerce company may analyze customer information, aggregate email marketing lists, or use data to identify demographics for new customer acquisition plans. Data analysts are more likely to work in teams alongside marketing partners or with other technology roles such as programmers or product managers, depending on the size of the company. They also work with business partners across entire organizations, including business analysts, as needed for tasks and projects.?

Different roles mean different salaries.

Both business analysts and data analysts solve business problems. As such, they are in high demand. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a data analyst in the U.S. is $72K. Compensation for business analysts is a bit more, averaging $79K. Of course, exact amounts depend on location and will vary from country to country. While a business analyst can command a higher salary, there is wider latitude for data analysts to carve out their niche in practically any industry. Since the function of data is increasingly integral to every enterprise, there is more flexibility for data analysts to dig into areas of the business where they can make the most difference, with more potential for creativity.??

In GA¡¯s Intro to Data Analytics course, Iun Chen teaches SQL, Tableau, and Excel, business intelligence tools she uses in her professional role as a data analyst at LinkedIn.

¡°My formal job function is to build data tools for internal colleagues so they can successfully grow our business,¡± she says. ¡°I create dashboards, reports, and anything else to ensure revenue keeps going up and anticipated risks go down for the company. In my experience, the skill set and mindset of the individual can define the role of a data analyst in any organization, large or small. Everyone uses data in their day to day so being able to clean, prep, analyze, and report data ¡ª regardless of what your actual job title is ¡ª is critical to not only the company¡¯s success but your personal success as well.¡±

Both business analysts and data analysts are storytellers. 

Whether a business analyst’s more strategic and decision-making role is for you, or the technical, numbers-crunching, team-playing data analyst sounds more your speed, know that the two roles share one crucial skill: They use data to tell stories. Those stories lend insights that factor into decisions that affect the bottom line. Translating raw data into digestible and human narratives can be one of the most challenging skills for analysts to master, according to Vish Srivastava, who¡¯s led multidisciplinary teams across tech sectors. So how does an analyst develop this multifaceted skill and set their career on the path for success?

¡°My recommendation is twofold,¡± he says. ¡°One, always start your analysis with a hypothesis that you¡¯re testing. You need to know right out of the gate why your analysis is going to matter. Two, after you¡¯ve spent some time with your data, step away and write down your presentation storyline in three to five bullets. The final bullet should be your recommended next step. Of course, make sure you have the analysis and charts to back up your storyline and fill in the gaps as needed.¡±

When it comes to storytelling with data, the difference between a boring story and a compelling one can come down to data visualization. The tools at your disposal and your proficiency with them can make or break a presentation. Communicating the insights for business intelligence hinges on clear and impactful data viz, whether we¡¯re talking business analytics or data analytics.

One classic example of data visualization’s power is the cholera map by John Snow, an early pioneer of disease mapping. ¡°This is a beautiful example of how collecting data and visually presenting it can generate amazing insight,¡± says Srivastava. ¡°In this case, the insight was that the sewer systems were spreading disease. This informed public policy and saved so many lives.¡±

The future of business intelligence will be determined by the democratization of data.

The prevalence of data and its part in tech careers is changing. To hear Srivastava tell it, future conversations on business intelligence will center less on the specificities of data analysis vs. business analysis and more on how data is creeping into even more roles.

¡°We¡¯ve come a long way, but there is still far to go for data analysis skills to be deeply embedded in all functions across a company. In the future, I think we will see fewer dedicated teams for business analysis and data analysis; instead, all professionals will have these skills and utilize them daily. This democratization of data analysis will be incredibly powerful. It will create even more emphasis on making high-quality data available across every enterprise.¡±

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Tableau vs. Power BI


Featuring Insights From Matt Brems

Read: 2 Minutes

Tableau and Power BI are powerful tools for business intelligence, with capabilities to take loads of big data and create elegant visualizations that convey key insights to stakeholders in easily digestible presentations. Both help organizations leverage business intelligence to become more data-driven in their decision-making process. So which tool is better? We asked a few industry experts their thoughts on the data analysis tools Tableau and Power BI. Here¡¯s what they had to say.

Candace Pereira-Roberts, Data Engineer & GA Data Analytics Instructor

“Anyone who works in data should learn tools that help tell data stories with quality visualizations. Tableau is a wonderful tool for the technical and nontechnical to build these visualizations. I love how we teach the Tableau unit in the Data Analytics bootcamp. I see students who are new to analytics learn Tableau desktop and be able to develop Tableau worksheets, dashboards, and story points in a couple of weeks to do a complete analysis project.”

Iun Chen, GA Instructor & Data Analyst at LinkedIn?

“In my professional capacity, I lead data visualization workshops to share best practices on charting and design theory, with a focus on Tableau. But with the growth of big data analytics, there are more players in the data viz space. Looker. Qlik, Domo, and Microstrategy are a few with out-of-the-box solutions. Check out other marketplace BI and analytics leaders and their reviews at Gartner.

Alternatively, if you are up for the challenge you can start from scratch and build out completely customized solutions through coding packages, such as with Python plotting libraries Matplotlib, Pandas, and Seaborn.”

Matt Brems, GA Instructor & Data Consultant at BetaVector 

“Most data analyst roles will expect some experience with data visualization. They may prefer your visualization experience be tied to a certain tool like Tableau or Power BI or simply want you to have experience designing graphics or dashboards. As with any platform, the human element is key. A good data analyst is curious and detail-oriented. Diving into the data and spotting anomalies or identifying patterns requires curiosity. Looking at large datasets for long periods of time can invite mistakes, so being detail-oriented ensures you¡¯re interpreting the data correctly.” 

Vish Srivastava, GA Instructor & Product Leader at Evidation Health

?¡°Most teams I’ve seen are not comparing Tableau and Power BI. Instead, it’s more about whether to adopt a business intelligence tool at all, or whether to use Tableau or Power BI in place of Excel. Tableau is a great option when you need to quickly create data visualizations.Tableau is incredibly powerful because it¡¯s designed for nontechnical users, meaning business users can set up and tweak dashboards and charts without the support of engineering or data science teams.¡±

When it comes to research, the most common data analytics tool is SQL ¡ª no surprise there. But once you get into more niche industries, that can vary, says Brems.

¡°In academia, R is probably the most prevalent data analysis tool, though Python is quickly gaining popularity. SAS and Stata are often used in specific industries, though their popularity is diminishing. (R and Python are open source tools, which means, among other things, that they are free.)¡±

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Today’s Best Data Analytics Tools


Featuring Insights From Matt Brems

Read: 3 Minutes

Our Data-Driven World

We live in a world of data ¡ª swimming in statistics, numbers, information ¡ª and the amount of data seems to be growing faster than we can keep up. More people are using data points to make decisions large and small. From which restaurant has the highest Yelp rating to which city has the lowest rates of COVID-19, using data to navigate everyday life is now the norm. Indeed, the pandemic has only increased our reliance on data. We have come to expect this tsunami of data to explain, and in some cases solve, many of the most vexing problems faced by society today. But finding key insights takes careful analysis of a staggering amount of data. No small feat.

It¡¯s true that more data is released than ever before. In the U.S., there are currently over 290,000 datasets on alone. Clearly, there¡¯s a growing need for data analysts and the data analytics tools that help us understand these numbers. From small businesses to the highest levels of governments, decisions turn on interpretations of data. Big data can have big consequences.

So how do data analysts find the insights lurking in a database? And what are the best tools to analyze all those numbers? Read on to discover the best data analytics tools in the market.

Data scientist and GA instructor since 2016, Matt Brems currently runs a data science consultancy called BetaVector. We asked him to share his go-to data analysis tools. ¡°People who want to analyze data use many different tools; I like to break these down into three different types,¡± he says.

Let¡¯s get to it.

Type #1: Tabular Data Tools

Data analysts need to get data out of databases and analyze that information. And to do that, they use tabular data tools. According to Brems, the most important ones to know are Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and SQL, or Structured Query Language. 足球竞彩网ly considered the best data analysis tool for research, SQL is the most common qualification found in job descriptions for a data analyst.

¡°Most data that data analysts analyze comes in the form of a table, called tabular data. This just means that data is organized into rows and columns, like a spreadsheet. Most data analysts will use a spreadsheet tool like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. When working with significant amounts of data (large tables, many tables, or both), organizations will often use a database. In order to interact with most databases, SQL is by far the language of choice.¡±

Type #2: Programming Language Tools

Proficiency in a few programming tools, while not a prerequisite for basic data analysis, can give analysts the ability to perform a wide variety of tasks. While the needed programming language tools will vary from company to company and even from job to job, having this skill set as a data analyst is clearly an advantage for job seekers.

¡°Python and R are the most common programming language tools in data analysis, though Stata and SAS are also used in some industries. These tools can be used to perform automation, statistical modeling, forecasting, and visualization.¡±

Type #3: Data Visualization Tools

Since data analysts are frequently tasked with presenting results to stakeholders, a good data visualization tool is essential. Brems recommends Tableau and Microsoft PowerBI.

¡°While you can visualize data using programming languages, Tableau and PowerBI are two standalone tools that are used almost exclusively for the purposes of building static data visualizations and dashboards.¡±

A Note on Research 

When it comes to research, the most common data analytics tool is SQL ¡ª no surprise there. But once you get into more niche industries, that can vary, says Brems.

¡°In academia, R is probably the most prevalent data analysis tool, though Python is quickly gaining popularity. SAS and Stata are often used in specific industries, though their popularity is diminishing. (R and Python are open source tools, which means, among other things, that they are free.)¡±

Want to learn more about Matt?

What is Data Science?


It¡¯s been anointed ¡°the sexiest job of the 21st century¡±, companies are rushing to invest billions of dollars into it, and it¡¯s going to change the world ¡ª but what do people mean when they mention ¡°data science¡±? There¡¯s been a lot of hype about data science and deservedly so, but the excitement has helped obfuscate the fundamental identity of the field. Anyone looking to involve themselves in data science needs to understand what it actually is and is not.

In this article, we’ll lay out a deep definition of the field, complete descriptions of the data science workflow, and data science tasks used in the real world. We hope that any would-be entrants into this line of work will come away reading this article with a nuanced understanding of data science that can help them decide to enter and navigate this exciting line of work.

So What Actually is Data Science?

A quick definition of data science might be articulated as an interdisciplinary field that primarily uses statistics and computer programming to derive insights from and base decisions from a collection of information represented as numerical figures. The ¡°science¡± part in data science is quite apt because data science very much follows a scientific process that involves formulating a hypothesis and using a specific toolset to confirm or dispel that hypothesis. At the end of the day, data science is about turning a problem into a question and a question into an answer and/or solution.

Tackling the meaning of data science also means interrogating the meaning of data. Data can be easily described as ¡°information encoded as numbers¡± but that doesn¡¯t tell us why it¡¯s important. The value of data stems from the notion that data is a tangible manifestation of the intangible. Data provides solid support to aid our interpretations of the world. For example, a weather app can tell you it¡¯s cold outside but telling you that the temperature is 38 degrees fahrenheit provides you with a stronger and specific understanding of the weather.

Data comes in two forms: qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative data is categorical data that does not naturally come in the form of numbers, such as demographic labels that you can select on a census form to indicate gender, state, and ethnicity.

Quantitative data is numerical data that can be processed through mathematical functions; for example stock prices, sports stats, and biometric information.

Quantitative can be subdivided into smaller categories such as ordinal, discrete, and continuous.

Ordinal: A sort of qualitative and quantitative hybrid variable in which the values have a hierarchical ranking. Any sort of star rating system of reviews is a perfect example of this; we know that a four-star review is greater than a three-star review, but can¡¯t say for sure that a four- star review is twice as good as a two-star review.

Discrete: These are countable and finite values that often appear in the form of integers. Examples include number of franchises owned by a company and number of votes cast in an election. It¡¯s important to remember discrete variables have a finite range of numbers and can never be negative.

Continuous: Unlike discrete variables, continuous can appear in decimal form and have an infinite range of possibilities. Things like company profit, temperature, and weight can all be described as continuous. 

What Does Data Science Look Like?

Now that we¡¯ve established a base understanding of data science, it¡¯s time to delve into what data science actually looks like. To answer this question, we need to go over the data science workflow, which encapsulates what a data science project looks like from start to finish. We¡¯ll touch on typical questions at the heart of data science projects and then examine an example data science workflow to see how data science was used to achieve success.

The Data Science Checklist

A good data science project is one that satisfies the following criteria:

Specificity: Derive a hypothesis and/or question that’s specific and to the point. Having a vague approach can often lead to a waste of time with no end product.

Attainability: Can your questions be answered? Do you have access to the required data? It¡¯s easy to come up with an interesting question but if it can¡¯t be answered then it has no value. The same goes for data, which is only useful if you can get your hands on it.

Measurability: Can what you’re applying data science to be quantified? Can the problem you¡¯re addressing be represented in numerical form? Are there quantifiable benchmarks for success? 

As previously mentioned, a core aspect of data science is the process of deriving a question, especially one that is specific and achievable. Typical data science questions ask things like, does X predict Y and what are the distinct groups in our data? To get a sense of data science questions, let¡¯s take a look at some business-world-appropriate ones:

  • What is the likelihood that a customer will buy this product?
  • Did we observe an increase in sales after implementing a new policy?
  • Is this a good or bad review?
  • How much demand will there be for my service tomorrow?
  • Is this the cheapest way to deliver our goods?
  • Is there a better way to segment our marketing strategies?
  • What groups of products are customers purchasing together?
  • Can we automate this simple yes/no decision?

All eight of these questions are excellent examples of how businesses use data science to advance themselves. Each question addresses a problem or issue in a way that can be answered using data science.

The Data Science Workflow

Once we¡¯ve established our hypothesis and questions, we can now move onto what I like to call the data science workflow, a step-by-step description of a typical data science project process.

After asking a question, the next steps are:

  1. Get and Understand the Data. We obviously need to acquire data for our project, but sometimes that can be more difficult than expected if you need to scrape for it or if privacy issues are involved. Make sure you understand how the data was sampled and the population it represents. This will be crucial in the interpretation of your results.
  1. Data Cleaning and Exploration. The dirty secret of data science is that data is often quite dirty so you can expect to do significant cleaning which often involves constructing your variables in a way that makes your project doable. Get to know your data through exploratory data analysis. Establish a base understanding of the patterns in your dataset through charts and graphs.
  1. Modeling. This represents the main course of the data science process; it¡¯s where you get to use the fancy powerful tools. In this part, you build a model that can help you answer a question such as can we predict future sales of a product from your dataset.
  1. Presentation. Now it¡¯s time to present the results of your findings. Did you confirm or dispel your hypothesis? What are the answers to the questions you started off with? How do your results advance our understanding of the issue at hand? Articulate your project in a clear and concise manner that makes it digestible for your audience, which could be another team in your company or your company¡¯s executives.

Data Science Workflow Example: Predicting Neonatal Infection

Now let¡¯s parse out an example of how data science can affect meaningful real-world impact, taken from the book Big Data: A Revolution That Will 足球竞彩网 How We Live, Work, and Think.

We start with a problem: Children born prematurely are at high risk of developing infections, many of which are not detected until after a child is sick.

Then we turn that problem into a question: Can we detect patterns in the data that accurately predict infection before it occurs?

Next, we gather relevant data: variables such as heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, and more.

Then we decide on the appropriate tool: a machine learning model that uses past data to predict future outcomes.

Finally, what impact do our methods have? The model is able to predict the onset of infection before symptoms appear, thus allowing doctors to administer treatment earlier in the infection process and increasing the chances of survival for patients.

This is a fantastic example of data science in action because every step in the process has a clear and easily understandable function towards a beneficial outcome.

Data Science Tasks

Data scientists are basically Swiss Army knives, in that they possess a wide range of abilities ¡ª it¡¯s why they’re so valuable. Let’s go over the specific tasks that data scientists typically perform on the job.

Data acquisition: For data scientists, this usually involves querying databases set up by their companies to provide easy access to reams of data. Data scientists frequently write SQL queries to retrieve data. Outside of querying databases, data scientists can use APIs or web scraping to acquire data.

Data cleaning: We touched on this before, but it can’t be emphasized enough that data cleaning will take up the vast majority of your time. Cleaning oftens means dealing with null values, dropping irrelevant variables, and feature engineering which means transforming data in a way so that it can be processed by a model.

Data visualization: Crafting and presenting visually appealing and understandable charts is a hugely valuable skill. Visualization has an uncanny ability to communicate important bits of information from a mass of data. Good data scientists will use data visualization to help themselves and their audiences better understand what¡¯s going on.

Statistical analysis: Statistical tests are used to confirm and/or dispel a data scientist¡¯s hypothesis. A t-test or chi-square are used to evaluate the existence of certain relationships. A/B testing is a popular use case of statistical analysis; if a team wants to know which of two website designs leads to more clicks, then an A/B test is the right solution.

Machine learning: This is where data scientists use models that make predictions based on past observations. If a bank wants to know which customers are likely to pay back loans, then they can use a machine learning model trained on past loans to answer that question.

Computer science: Data scientists need adequate computer programming skills because many of the tasks they undertake involve writing code. In addition, some data science roles require data scientists to function as software engineers because data scientists have to implement their methodologies into their company¡¯s backend servers.

Communication: You can be a math and computer whiz, but if you can¡¯t explain your work to a novice audience, your talents might as well be useless. A great data scientist can distill digestible insights from complex analyses for a non-technical audience, translating how a p-value or correlation score is relevant to a part of the company¡¯s business. If your company is going to make a potentially costly or lucrative decision based on your data science work, then it’s incumbent on you to make sure they understand your process and results as much as possible.


We hope this article helped to demystify this exciting and increasingly important line of work. It¡¯s pertinent to anyone who’s curious about data science ¡ª whether it’s a college student or an executive thinking about hiring a data science team ¡ª that they understand what this field is about and what it can and cannot do.

Designing a Dashboard in Tableau for Business Intelligence


Tableau is a data visualization platform that focuses on business intelligence. It has become very popular in recent years because of its flexibility and beauty. Clients love the way Tableau presents data and how easy it makes performing analyses. It is one of my favorite analytical tools to work with.

A simple way to define a Tableau dashboard is as a glance view of a company’s key performance indicators, or KPIs. There are different kinds of dashboards available ¡ª it all depends on the business questions being asked and the end-user. Is this for an operational team (like one at a distribution center) that needs to see the number of orders by hour and if sales goals are achieved? Or, is this for a CEO who would like to measure the productivity of different departments and products against forecast? The first case will require the data to be updated every 10 minutes, almost in real-time. The second doesn’t require the same cadence, and once a day will be enough to track the company performance.

Over the past few years, I¡¯ve built many dashboards for different types of users, including department heads, business analysts, and directors, and helped many mid-level managers with data analysis. If you are looking for Tableau dashboard examples, you have come to the right place. Here are some best practices for creating Tableau dashboards I¡¯ve learned throughout my career.

Why Use a Data Visualization?

A data visualizations tool is one of the most effective ways to analyze data from any business process (sales, returns, purchase orders, warehouse operation, customer shopping behavior, etc.).

Below we have a grid report and bar chart that contain the same data source information. Which is easier to interpret?

Grid report

Bar Chart
Grid report vs. bar chart.

That¡¯s right ¡ª it¡¯s quicker to identify the category with the lowest sales, Tops, using the chart.

Many companies previously used grid reports to operate and make decisions, and many departments still do today, especially in retail. I once went to a trading meeting on a Monday morning where team members printed pages of Excel reports with rows and rows of sales and stock data by product and took them to a meeting room with a ruler and a highlighter to analyze sales trends. Some of these reports took at least two hours to prepare and required combining data from different data sources with VLOOKUPs ¡ª a function that allows users to search through columns in Excel. After the meeting, they threw the papers away (a waste of paper and ink), and then the following Monday it all started again.

Wouldn’t it be better to have an effective dashboard and reporting tool in which the company’s KPIs were updated daily and presented in an interactive dashboard that could be viewed on tablets/laptops and digitally sliced and diced? That’s where tools like Tableau server dashboards come in. You can drill down into details and answer questions raised in the meeting in real-time when creating a Tableau project – something you couldn’t do with paper copies.

How to Design a Dashboard in Tableau SERVER

Step 1: Identify who will use the dashboard and with what frequency.

Tableau dashboards can be used for many different purposes, such as measuring different KPIs, and therefore will be designed differently for each circumstance. This means that, before you can begin designing a new dashboard, you need to know who is going to use it and how often.

Step 2: Define your topic.

The stakeholder (i.e., director, sales manager, CEO, business analyst, buyer) should be able to tell you what kind of business questions need to be answered and the decisions that will be made based on the dashboard.

Here, I am going to use the dataset for my Tableau dashboard example from a fictional retail company to report on monthly sales.

The commercial director would like to know 1) the countries to which the company¡¯s products have been shipped, 2) which categories are performing well, and 3) sales by product. The option of browsing products is a plus, so the tableau dashboard should include as much detail as possible.

Step 3: Initially, make sure you have all of the necessary data available to answer the questions specified in your new dashboard.

Clarify how often you will get the data, the format in which you will receive the data (inside a database or in loose files), the cleanliness of the data, and if there are any data quality issues. You need to evaluate all of this before you promise a delivery date.

Step 4: Create your dashboard.

When it comes to dashboard design, it¡¯s best-practice to present data from top to bottom when in presentation mode. The story should go from left to right, like a comic book, where you start at the top left and finish at the bottom right.

Let¡¯s start by adding the data set to Tableau. For this demo, the data is contained in an Excel file generated by software I developed myself. It¡¯s all dummy data.

To connect to an Excel file from Tableau, select ¡°Excel¡± from the Connect menu. The tables are on separate Excel sheets, so we¡¯re going to use Tableau to join them, as shown in the image below. Once the tables are joined, go to the bottom and select Sheet 1 to create your first visualization.

Excel Sheet in Tableau
Joining Excel sheet in Tableau.

We have two columns in the Order Details table: Quantity and Unit Price. The sales amount is Quantity x Unit Price, so we¡¯re going to create the new metric, ¡°Sales Amount.¡± Right-click on the measures and select Create > Calculated Field.

Creating a Map in Tableau

We can use maps to visualize data with a geographical component and compare values across geographical regions. To answer our first question ¡ª ¡°Which countries the company¡¯s products have been shipped to?¡± ¡ª we¡¯ll create a map view of sales by country.

1. Add Ship Country to the rows and Sales Amount to the columns.

2. Change the view to a map.

Visualizing data across geographical regions.

3. Add Sales Amount to the color pane. Darker colors mean higher sales amounts aggregated by country.

4. You can choose to make the size of the bubbles proportional to the Sales Amount. To do this, drag the Sales Amount measure to the Size area.

5. Finally, rename the sheet ¡°Sales by Country.¡±

Creating a Bar Chart in Tableau

Now, let¡¯s visualize the second request, ¡°Which categories are performing well?¡± We¡¯ll need to create a second sheet. The best way to analyze this data is with bar charts, as they are to compare data across categories. Pie charts work in a similar way, but in this case we have too many categories (more than four) so they wouldn¡¯t be effective.

1. To create a bar chart, add Category Name to the rows and Sales Amount to the columns.

2. Change the visualization to a bar chart.

3. Switch columns and rows, sort it by descending order, and show the values so users can see the exact value that the size of the rectangle represents.

4. Drag the category name to ¡°Color.¡±

5. Now, rename the sheet to ¡°Sales by Category.¡±

Sales category bar chart
Our Sales by Category breakdown.

Assembling a Dashboard in Tableau

Finally, the commercial director would like to see the details of the products sold by each category.

Our last page will be the product detail page. Add Product Name and Image to the rows and Sales Amount to the columns. Rename the sheet as ¡°Products.¡±

We are now ready to create our first dashboard! Rearrange the chart on the dashboard so that it appears similar to the example below. To display the images, drag the Web Page object next to the Products grid.

Dashboard Assembly
Assembling our dashboard.

Additional Actions in Tableau

Now, we¡¯re going to add some actions on the dashboard such that when we click on a country, we¡¯ll see both the categories of products and a list of individual products sold.

1. Go to Dashboard > Actions.

2. Add Action > Filter.

3. Our ¡°Sales by Country¡± chart is going to filter Sales by Category and Products.

4. Add a second action: Sales by Category will filter Products.

5. Add a third action, this time selecting URL.

6. Select Products, <Image> on URL, and click on the Test Link to test the image¡¯s URL.

What we have now is an interactive dashboard with a worldwide sales view. To analyze a specific country, we click on the corresponding bubble on the map and Sales by Category will be filtered to what was sold in that country.

When we select a category, we can see the list of products sold for that category. And, when we hover on a product, we can see an image of it.

In just a few steps, we have created a simple dashboard from which any department head would benefit.

The final product.

Dashboards in Tableau at 足球竞彩网 Assembly

In GA¡¯s Data Analytics course, students get hands-on training with the versatile Tableau platform. Students will learn the ins and outs of the data visualization tool and create dashboards to solve real-world problems in 1-week, accelerated or 10-week, part-time course formats ¡ª on campus and online. You can also get a taste in our interactive tableau training with these classes and workshops.

Meet Our Expert

Samanta Dal Pont is a business intelligence and data analytics expert in retail, eCommerce, and online media. With an educational background in software engineer and statistics, her great passion is transforming businesses to make the most of their data. Responsible for the analytics, reporting, and visualization in a global organization, Samanta has been an instructor for Data Analytics courses and SQL bootcamps at 足球竞彩网 Assembly London since 2016.

Samanta Dal Pont, Data Analytics Instructor, 足球竞彩网 Assembly London

SQL: Using Data to Boost Business and Increase Efficiency


In today¡¯s digital age, we¡¯re constantly bombarded with information about new apps, transformative technologies, and the latest and greatest artificial intelligence system. While these technologies may serve very different purposes in our life, all of them share one thing in common: They rely on data. More specifically, they all use databases to capture, store, retrieve, and aggregate data. This begs the question: How do we actually interact with databases to accomplish all of this? The answer: We use Structured Query Language, or SQL (pronounced ¡°sequel¡± or ¡°ess-que-el¡±).

Put simply, SQL is the language of data ¡ª it¡¯s a programming language that enables us to efficiently create, alter, request, and aggregate data from those mysterious things called databases. It gives us the ability to make connections between different pieces of information, even when we¡¯re dealing with huge data sets. Modern applications are able to use SQL to deliver really valuable pieces of information that would otherwise be difficult for humans to keep track of independently. In fact, pretty much every app that stores any sort of information uses a database. This ubiquity means that developers use SQL to log, record, alter, and present data within the application, while analysts use SQL to interrogate that same data set in order to find deeper insights.

Finding SQL in Everyday Life

Think about the last time you looked up the name of a movie on IMDB. I¡¯ll bet you quickly noticed an actress on the cast list and thought something like, ¡°I didn¡¯t realize she was in that,¡± then clicked a link to read her bio. As you were navigating through that app, SQL was responsible for returning the information you ¡°requested¡± each time you clicked a link. This sort of capability is something we¡¯ve come to take for granted these days.

Let¡¯s look at another example that truly is cutting-edge, this time at the intersection of local government and small business. Many metropolitan cities are supporting open data initiatives in which public data is made easily accessible through access to the databases that store this information. As an example, let¡¯s look at Los Angeles building permit data, business listings, and census data.

Imagine you work at a real estate investment firm and are trying to find the next up-and-coming neighborhood. You could use SQL to combine the permit, business, and census data in order to identify areas that are undergoing a lot of construction, have high populations, and contain a relatively low number of businesses. This might be a great opportunity to purchase property in a soon-to-be thriving neighborhood! For the first time in history, it¡¯s easy for a small business to leverage quantitative data from the government in order to make a highly informed business decision.

Leveraging SQL to Boost Your Business and Career

There are many ways to harness SQL¡¯s power to supercharge your business and career, in marketing and sales roles, and beyond. Here are just a few:

  • Increase sales: A sales manager could use SQL to compare the performance of various lead-generation programs and double down on those that are working.
  • Track ads: A marketing manager responsible for understanding the efficacy of an ad campaign could use SQL to compare the increase in sales before and after running the ad.
  • Streamline processes: A business manager could use SQL to compare the resources used by various departments in order to determine which are operating efficiently.

SQL at 足球竞彩网 Assembly

At 足球竞彩网 Assembly, we know businesses are striving to transform their data from raw facts into actionable insights. The primary goal of our data analytics curriculum, from workshops to full-time courses, is to empower people to access this data in order to answer their own business questions in ways that were never possible before.

To accomplish this, we give students the opportunity to use SQL to explore real-world data such as Firefox usage statistics, Iowa liquor sales, or Zillow¡¯s real estate prices. Our full-time Data Science Immersive and part-time Data Analytics courses help students build the analytical skills needed to turn the results of those queries into clear and effective business recommendations. On a more introductory level, after just a couple of hours of in one of our SQL workshops, students are able to query multiple data sets with millions of rows.

Meet Our Expert

Michael Larner is a passionate leader in the analytics space who specializes in using techniques like predictive modeling and machine learning to deliver data-driven impact. A Los Angeles native, he has spent the last decade consulting with hundreds of clients, including 50-plus Fortune 500 companies, to answer some of their most challenging business questions. Additionally, Michael empowers others to become successful analysts by leading trainings and workshops for corporate clients and universities, including 足球竞彩网 Assembly’s part-time Data Analytics course and SQL/Excel workshops in Los Angeles.

¡°In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, data has never been more accessible. That makes it the perfect time ¡ª and incredibly important ¡ª to be a great data analyst.¡±

¨C Michael Larner, Data Analytics Instructor, 足球竞彩网 Assembly Los Angeles

Excel: Building the Foundation for Understanding Data Analytics


If learning data analytics is like trying to ride a bike, then learning Excel is like having a good set of training wheels. Although some people may want to jump right ahead without them, they¡¯ll end up with fewer bruises and a smoother journey if they begin practicing with them on. Indeed, Excel provides an excellent foundation for understanding data analytics.

What exactly is data analytics? It¡¯s more than just simply ¡°crunching numbers,¡± for one. Data analytics is the art of analyzing and communicating insights from data in order to influence decision-making.

In the age of increasingly sophisticated analytical tools like Python and R, some seasoned analytics professionals may scoff at Excel, which was first released by Microsoft in 1987, as nothing more than petty spreadsheet software. Unfortunately, most people only touch the tip of the iceberg when it comes to fully leveraging this ubiquitous program¡¯s power as a stepping stone into analytics.

Using Excel for Data Analysis: Management, Cleaning, Aggregation, and More

I refer to Excel as the gateway into analytics. Once you¡¯ve learned the platform inside and out, throughout your data analytics journey you¡¯ll continually say to yourself, ¡°I used to do this in Excel. How do I do it in X or Y?¡± In today¡¯s digital age, it may seem like there are new analytical tools and software packages coming out every day. As a result, many roles in data analytics today require an understanding of how to leverage and continuously learn multiple tools and packages across various platforms. Thankfully, learning Excel and its fundamentals will provide a strong bedrock of knowledge that you¡¯ll find yourself frequently referring back to when learning newer, more sophisticated programs.

Excel is a robust tool that provides foundational knowledge for performing tasks such as:

  • Database management. Understanding the architecture of any data set is one of first steps of the data analytics workflow. In Excel, each worksheet can be thought of as a table in a database. Each row in a worksheet can then be considered a record while each column can be considered an attribute. As you continue to work with multiple worksheets and tables in Excel, you¡¯ll learn that functions such as ¡°VLOOKUP¡± and ¡°INDEXMATCH¡± are similar to the ¡°JOIN¡± clauses seen in SQL.
  • Data cleaning. Cleaning data is often one of the most crucial and time-intensive components of the data analytics workflow. Excel can be used to clean a data set using various string functions such as ¡°TRIM¡±, ¡°MID¡±, or ¡°SUBSTITUTE¡±. Many of these functions cut across various programs and will look familiar when you learn similar functions in SQL and Tableau.
  • Data aggregation. Once the data¡¯s been cleaned, you¡¯ll need to summarize and compile it. Excel¡¯s aggregation functions such as ¡°COUNT¡±, ¡°SUM¡±, ¡°MIN¡±, or ¡°MAX¡± can be used to summarize the data. Furthermore, Excel¡¯s Pivot Tables can be leveraged to aggregate and filter data quickly and efficiently. As you continue to manipulate and aggregate data, you¡¯ll begin to understand the underlying SQL queries behind each Pivot Table.
  • Statistics. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics can be applied through Excel¡¯s functions and add-ons to better understand our data. Descriptive statistics such as the ¡°AVERAGE¡±, ¡°MEDIAN¡±, or ¡°STDEV¡± functions tell us about the central tendency and variability of our data. Additionally, inferential statistics such as correlation and regression can help to identify meaningful patterns in the data which can be further analyzed to make predictions and forecasts.
  • Dashboarding and visualization. One of the final steps of the data analytics workflow involves telling a story with your data. The combination of Excel¡¯s Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, and slicers offer the underlying tools and flexibility to construct dynamic dashboards with visualizations to convey your story to your audience. As you build dashboards in Excel, you¡¯ll begin to uncover how the Pivot Table fields in Excel are the common denominator in almost any visualization software and are no different than the ¡°Shelfs¡± used in Tableau to create visualizations.

If you want to jump into Excel but don¡¯t have a data set to work with, why not analyze your own personal data? You could leverage Excel to keep track of your monthly budget and create a dashboard to see what your spending trends look like over time. Or if you have a fitness tracker, you could export the data from the device and create a dashboard to show your progress over time and identify any trends or areas for improvement. The best way to jump into Excel is to use data that¡¯s personal and relevant ¡ª so your own health or finances can be a great start.

Excel at 足球竞彩网 Assembly

In GA¡¯s part-time Data Analytics course and online Data Analysis course, Excel is the starting point for leveraging other analytical tools such as SQL and Tableau. Throughout the course, you¡¯ll continually have “data d¨¦j¨¤ vu” as you tell yourself, “Oh this looks familiar.” Students will understand why Excel is considered a jack-of-all-trades by providing a great foundation in database management, statistics, and dashboard creation. However, as the saying goes, “A jack-of-all-trades is a master of none.¡± As such, students will also recognize the limitations of Excel and the point at which tools like SQL and Tableau offer greater functionality.

At GA, we use Excel to clean and analyze data from sources like the U.S. Census and Airbnb to formulate data-driven business decisions. During final capstone projects, students are encouraged to use data from their own line of work to leverage the skills they¡¯ve learned. We partner with students to ensure that they are able to connect the dots along the way and ¡°excel¡± in their data analytics journey.

Having a foundation in Excel will also benefit students in GA¡¯s full-time Data Science Immersive program as they learn to leverage Python, machine learning, visualizations, and beyond, and those in our part-time Data Science course, who learn skills like statistics, data modeling, and natural language processing. GA also offers day-long Excel bootcamps across our campuses, during which students learn how to simplify complex tasks including math functions, data organization, formatting, and more.

Meet Our Expert

Mathu A. Kumarasamy is a self-proclaimed analytics evangelist and aspiring data scientist. A believer in the saying that ¡°data is the new oil,¡± Mathu leverages analytics to find, extract, refine, and distribute data in order to help clients make confident, evidence-based decisions. He is especially passionate about leveraging data analytics, technology, and insights from the field of behavioral economics to help establish a culture of evidence-based, value-driven health care in the United States. Mathu enjoys converting others into analytics geeks while teaching 足球竞彩网 Assembly¡¯s part-time Data Analytics course in Atlanta.

Mathu A. Kumarasamy, Data Analytics Instructor, GA Atlanta

The Skills and Tools Every Data Scientist Must Master


women of color in tech

Photo by WOC in Tech.

¡°Data scientist¡± is one of today’s hottest jobs.

In fact, Glassdoor calls it the best job of 2017, with a median base salary of $110,000. This fact shouldn¡¯t be big news. In 2011, McKinsey predicted there would be a shortage of 1.5 million managers and analysts “with the know-how to use the analysis of big data to make effective decisions.” Today, there are more than 38,000 data scientist positions listed?on

It makes perfect sense that this job is both new and popular, since every move you make online is actively creating data somewhere for something. Someone has to make sense of that data and discover trends in the data to see if the data is useful. That is the job of the data scientist. But how does the data scientist go about the job? Here are the three skills and three tools that every data scientist should master.

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Announcing 足球竞彩网 Assembly¡¯s New Data Science Immersive



Data science is ¡°one of the hottest and best-paid professions in the U.S.¡± More than ever, companies need analytical minds who can compile data, analyze it, and drive everything from marketing forecasts to product launches with compelling predictions. Their work drives the core strategies of modern business ¡ª so much so that, by 2018, data-related job openings will total 1.5 million. That¡¯s why we¡¯ve worked hard to develop classes, workshops, and courses to confront the data science skills gap. The latest addition to our proud family of data education is the new Data Science Immersive program.

Launching for the first time in San Francisco and Washington, D.C. on April 11, this full-time Immersive program will equip you with the tools and techniques you need to become a data pro in just 12 weeks.

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