Hannah Atkin, Author at 足球竞彩网 Assembly Blog

About Hannah Atkin

Hannah Atkin is a User Experience Director at Teach For America. She is a former television researcher and a GA UXDI alum. Find out more about Hannah on her personal site and follow her on Twitter at @hannahatkin.

User Experience Jobs: 7 Options & How to 足球竞彩网 a UX Career You Love


If you have ever done a quick job search for ¡°user experience design,¡± chances are you¡¯ve seen a number of titles and descriptions that aren’t always as simple as ¡°UX designer.¡±

User experience has a variety of specializations, and as a job seeker and practitioner, you should know the skills and applications that come with each. Understanding these differences will help you decide your UX career path and and help you find the appropriate job to fit your interests and skill set.

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What UX Designers and Web Developers Make in Major U.S. Markets


UX designers and web developers salaries

You did it! You nailed your interview and you¡¯re feeling great. But then, right when you least expect it, the recruiter finishes up the conversation with the dreaded questions, ¡°So how much are you looking for?¡±

This question is awkward and even worrisome for a job seeker, particularly if you haven¡¯t done your homework. However, here¡¯s the good news! When you do take the time to do the research and know your worth, it can help you answer this question with ease.

In this article, we¡¯ll take a look at average UX designers’ and web developers’ salaries in major job markets and at varying career levels. Please use this article to further your own research and help you better understand the market but know that this by no means a definitive or all-encompassing list.

The ranges and averages throughout the article were determined based on a compilation of information from Payscale.com, Glassdoor.com, Salary.com, Simplyhired.com and information from current practitioners.

Now, let¡¯s take a comprehensive look at average salaries and the varying salary ranges of UX practitioners and web developers in some of the hottest tech markets in the United States. We¡¯ll take a look at each tech hub and then break down the numbers from there.

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6 Tips For Negotiating Your Salary



If you were offered $2 million right now, no strings attached, would you take it? Of course, you would! But did you know that you may have already inadvertently said no thank you to this offer? Author Linda Babcock writes about salary negotiation in her book Women Don¡¯t Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiation¡ªand Positive Strategies for Change. She states that when an employee fails to negotiate salary early in her career, it could add up to as much as $2 million in lost wages over the course of a lifetime.

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The 6 Essential Tools for Every UX Designer



It can be extremely intimidating to any UX designer, particularly someone just starting out, to navigate the overcrowded world of design tools. There seems to be a tool for everything from user research to wireframing to prototyping.

So how do you know which tools to learn or least familiarize yourself with? Fear not! Below we¡¯ve broken down some of the top industry tools for a variety of contexts and workflows. While this is not a comprehensive list, it will give newbies a sense of some industry musts, while providing some further suggestions for?the more seasoned designers among us.

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6 Careers That Benefit From UX Skills



User experience is an interdisciplinary field in its own right, but the concepts, tools, and techniques UX designers use trickle into neighboring professions as well. Understanding the core concepts of user experience can help improve your work in a variety of careers from web development to marketing and design.

Let¡¯s take a look at a range of careers that involve and/or are affected by user experience.

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How Can UX Design Make Sense of Big Data?



Big data is just what it sounds like; data so big that it¡¯s not easily processed through conventional methods. However, once this large data set is eventually distilled down, user experience can play a huge role in making sense of the reports and leading the charge for user-centered solutions.

User experience (UX) is the bridge between big data analytics and the end user. The richness of big data being collected by all types of companies has unleashed a treasure trove of information for user experience designers. UX designers can create more robust solutions for users by analyzing these enormous data sets.

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5 Reasons You Should Become a UX Designer


whyux-blog-picjumboEvery day, more CEOs and business leaders are realizing the importance of a product¡¯s design and user experience. UX is no longer an ambiguous acronym or secondary business concern, but a key piece of a product¡¯s success. With so many useful apps and products on the market, companies can no longer risk having a poor user experience or uninspiring design. Users demand great experiences, and it¡¯s user experience designers who help products meet these high expectations.

User experience designers are positioned for success in today¡¯s job market. They get to work in a growing and intellectually stimulating field, playing a key part in shaping a product¡¯s success across a variety of industries ¡ª from finance to education to to e-commerce and more. Read below to explore why UX design may just be the perfect career for you.

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Top 10 Blogs For User Experience Designers


best ux design blogs

User experience is an industry that is constantly evolving. Whether you¡¯re a new practitioner or a seasoned veteran it’s important stay up-to-date on the latest conversations and ideas happening in the industry. So how do you stay updated and relevant? Here’s a clue: you’re doing it right now. Reading blogs is a quick and easy way to remain current. Below you’ll find some of my all-time favorite user experience design blogs; including established industry leaders as well as niche blogs discussing innovative topics.

With no further ado and in no particular order, find our top 10 user experience design blogs:? Continue reading

4 Common User Interface Patterns You Should Be Using


User Interface Patterns

¡°There are only patterns, patterns on top of patterns, patterns that affect other patterns. Patterns hidden by patterns. Patterns within patterns. If you watch close, history does nothing but repeat itself.¡± This quote comes from author Chuck Palahniuk¡¯s novel Survivor, but it¡¯s also a perfect summation of the world of user interfaces.

User Interface patterns (UI) are common best practices that serve as a reusable solution to a frequently occurring problems. Over time, users acclimate to these patterns and can even grow to expect them. Herein lies the issue. If a pattern becomes ubiquitous with a certain task, the user experience can be hindered if the pattern is not present or a suitable replacement is not offered.

As user experience designers, we need to keep up with these trends and patterns. However, it is not enough to just recognize and utilize them, but we must also understand the implications associated as well.

In this post, we will explore the following common UI patterns for further examples:

  • Input – Inline validation
  • Navigation – Infinite scroll
  • Content management – Hover controls
  • Data management – Draggable objects

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