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    Blog Career Tarotscopes for September 2024

    Career Tarotscopes for September 2024

    足球竞彩网 Assembly
    September 1, 2024
    Career Tarotscopes

    Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her cards for September. She has insight into the rebirth and reinvigoration energies coming this Virgo season and which signs should prepare to charge after their goals this month. She also advises on the best money manifesting days—like when Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini on September 14. Plus how to work with the magic of the fall equinox.

    September begins with a powerful new moon in Virgo on September 2, which is the perfect time for setting tangible, goal-oriented intentions that can be achieved this month. Be mindful of any meetings you may have on Tuesday, September, as Venus moves conjunct to Libra in the South node, challenging us to release old attachments so we may find ourselves having to compromise—but in a way that will serve us. Mid-September brings the end of the Mercury retrograde shadow period on September 11, and the luckiest day of the month for abundance, September 14, thanks to Venus trining Jupiter. The end of the month brings big portals for change, including the full moon in Pisces on September 17 and the fall equinox on September 22.

    Prepare for a month of transformation, but remember, to receive the rewards, we must actively participate by making changes ourselves. Libra season entering at the end of the month is the reminder to stay on task with Virgo season goals in order for rewards to arrive. Read on to discover what the cards have in store for your sign.

    Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

    Card: The Emperor

    September often feels similar to New Year’s energy, and the Emperor reminds you it’s the perfect time to reassess the foundation of your business or team.

    Highlight: Making Moves 

    If you use the momentum of the new moon in Virgo on September 2 to lay out your goals for the month, you’ll see tangible wins by the time the equinox arrives on September 22.

    Heads Up: One Step at a Time

    The past few months most likely felt a little slower and less inspired, and Virgo season’s rush of energy may be accompanied by overwhelm. Take things one step at a time, focusing on the smaller picture details first.

    Mantra: I Don’t Want the World, But I’ll Take this City 

    Chappell Roan

    Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

    Card: Ace of Wands

    Though Tauruses are loyal and caring leaders, they can also be overthinkers when making decisions. The Ace of Wands will inspire you to make decisions faster and more efficiently this month.

    Highlight: Spark of Inspiration

    Tauruses don’t always love change, and if you found yourself pouring over details before making decisions in August, September brings a jolt of clarity and decisiveness that will move a significant project forward.

    Heads Up: Trust the Momentum

    It may seem that progress is occurring almost too quickly this month. Trust the momentum and take advantage of the cosmic sweet spots of Venus trining Jupiter on September 14 and the full moon in Pisces on September 17 for any key meetings or presentations.

    Mantra: It’s Go Time

    King P

    Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

    Card: The Tower

    The Tower removes the things that aren’t serving us, which can seem daunting, but also helps to expedite growth and success as obstacles are removed. This change could be a client or colleague who was creating problems and unnecessary work exiting to make way for higher-vibe collaborators.

    Highlight: Growth Spurt 

    Changes resulting from the Tower are likely to occur in the first half of September. As a result of these shifts, you’ll experience more growth. Utilize the powerful energies of the equinox on September 22 to manifest and implement the next steps that’ll best serve you and your team.

    Heads Up: Big 足球竞彩网ation

    Metamorphosis can be equally exciting and terrifying. Embrace the opportunity and lean into excitement over anxiety. Mercury, your ruling planet, is still in its shadow period until the second week of September, so it’s best to organize your thoughts and share plans after September 11.

    Mantra: Roll With It


    Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

    Card: Eight of Pentacles

    Virgo season is putting you back in the groove, Cancer. It may have felt like the past few months required an imbalanced amount of your time and effort—possibly taking on others’ tasks. Thanks to the systems you implemented over the past two months, September feels more in flow.

    Highlight: Past Hard Work Paying Off

    When colleagues and collaborators were on vacation recently, you were able to organize projects and initiatives, which will pay off in meaningful ways this month. Look at key meetings on or around September 14, as they’re likely to result in increased abundance, new job opportunities, and more.

    Heads Up: Trust the Process

    The beginning of September may continue to require a fair amount of patience on your end, but don’t lose faith. Rewards are coming your way by the second half of the month. Just keep moving forward.

    Mantra: Into the Groove


    Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

    Card: Queen of Swords

    With Mercury moving out of its shadow period and after your solar return last month, the Queen of Swords is here to remind you to empower yourself to speak what’s on your mind to make the progress available to you in September.

    Highlight: Taking Your Power Back

    Thanks to the new moon in Virgo on September 2, September comes in with a burst of clarity. Things you may have been sensing but afraid to assert are coming to the surface. You’ll be rewarded for shining light on challenges others are ignoring.

    Heads Up: Not Everyone May Agree—Say It Anyway

    Others may push back, as the known way of doing things is more comfortable for many, even with all of its flaws. But speak up, and doors will open for you at the end of the month following the fall equinox on September 22.

    Mantra: Speak Your Mind

    Brandi Carlile

    Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

    Card: Two of Wands

    Happy Birthday, Virgo. An additional birthday gift in the form of a two of wands crossroads will most likely present itself on or shortly after September 8 when Mercury enters Virgo, enhancing your ability to make decisions and communicate with clarity.

    Highlight: Taking the Risk Pays Off

    Even though you may need to amp yourself up to take the road less traveled, doing so by September 14 when Venus in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini results in a significant financial win.

    Heads Up: Don’t Second-Guess Yourself

    As Mercury remains in its shadow period for the first two weeks of September, it may be tempting to get stuck in analysis paralysis mode. Trust your intuition and take the risk.

    Mantra: Take the Leap


    Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

    Card: Six of Cups

    As you prepare for Libra season to begin at month’s end, now is the time to get clear with your intentions with the new moon in Virgo on September 2. It appears that the goals you’re working toward this month include expansion and your team.

    Highlight: Surrounded by Support

    Six of Cups indicates that all the right people are within reach. September is about strategizing and setting up the right collaborations and workflow.

    Heads Up: Don’t Let it Get to a Place of Overwhelm

    An old saying states, “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” Significant level-ups are coming within the next few months, but this will require outsourcing, delegation, and, most of all, trust.

    Mantra: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

    Dizzy Wright

    Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

    Card: King of Wands

    Whether you’re just stepping into a new role that was in the works for quite some time or finally receiving an offer for a major opportunity, big congratulations are coming your way by the fall equinox on September 22.

    Highlight: Phoenix Rising

    This win may feel like it’s been a long time coming. It’s probably making the summer feel heavier and less enjoyable than usual, but the time has come. Celebrate September as the new year, and enjoy the ride.

    Heads Up: Don’t Get Lost in the Details

    There may be a lot of minutiae in the transition period this month. Don’t get lost in the weeds, keep your eyes on the prize, and enjoy the success you’ve created.

    Mantra: Rise From The Ashes

    Daniel Pemberton

    Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

    Card: Ace Of Pentacles

    A new source of income will be available by the end of the month. This may be in addition to your base, and it’ll be an ongoing opportunity. Pay special attention to meetings between September 14, when Venus trines Jupiter, and the full moon in Pisces on September 17.

    Highlight: Grounding Force

    Though Sagittarians are adventurers and risk-takers by nature, it seems you’ve been in a bit of a rut lately. Relief is coming, as this new source of abundance brings inspiration and will continue for the foreseeable future.

    Heads Up: Create Space/Release What Isn’t Serving

    Where there is a void, the universe will fill it. Now is the time to declutter your schedule with any activities, empty-calorie hangouts, doom-scrolling, and other no-win efforts to allow this new initiative to come in.

    Mantra: Back to Reality

    Danny Gokey

    Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19)

    Card: Two of Swords

    This month, a crossroads may lead you to work more closely with someone you never expected to. Trust that you’re being guided toward more success and recognition.

    Highlight: Clarity and Focus 

    Though there may be initial clashes of opinion (be mindful of September 2, when Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces), once all is clarified, you work well together as you’re both very keen and focused—like iron sharpening iron.

    Heads Up: Eyes on the Prize

    Don’t get sidetracked with small matters or frivolous differences. The more you can divide and conquer, the more you ground you can successfully cover this month.

    Mantra: Stronger Than Ever

    Christina Aguilera

    Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

    Card: Four of Cups

    Four of Cups reminds you to stand your ground this month when higher-ups may try to persuade you to take on an imbalanced amount or an initiative that’s unfairly out of your wheelhouse.

    Highlight: Prioritizing Yourself Pays Off

    It may feel anxiety-inducing to hold boundaries at work this month, but you’re setting a precedent not only for yourself, but also for the fair treatment of others by doing so.

    Heads Up: Don’t Let Your Past Self Run the Show

    When faced with the opportunity to advocate for yourself or repeat past-self patterns, remember to operate from the vantage point of the empowered bad@ss you are today.

    Mantra: I 足球竞彩网 Me


    Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

    Card: Page of Wands

    Momentum on an initiative important to you that may have begun in August is fanning the flames of inspiration and excitement in a way you haven’t felt all year.

    Highlight: Accessing Your Inner Fire

    The Page of Wands reminds you to lead with your passion this month. Pisces are incredibly empathic and intuitive, and these gifts will guide you to the right collaborators and decisions regarding a project you’re particularly excited about.

    Heads Up: Embrace the Growing Pains

    This month’s velocity comes with some logistical hiccups involving putting together the right team and calendars. Try to be grateful for the growing pains as they demonstrate that progress and expansion are occurring.

    Mantra: Set Fire to The Rain


    Make the Most of the Magic of the Fall Equinox

    Energies are running high this Virgo season, meaning now is the perfect time to make your career evolution a reality. Take a free tech skill class, sign up for a free info session, or attend a free career development event, register for a hands-on workshop—or kickstart a complete career revolution with one of our full-time or part-time bootcamps or short courses.Want to learn more about 足球竞彩网 Assembly’s tech training options? Get in touch with our Admissions team.


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