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    Blog Career Tarotscopes for November 2024

    Career Tarotscopes for November 2024

    足球竞彩网 Assembly
    November 1, 2024
    Career Tarotscopes

    Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her cards. She has insight into the release and rebirth energies Scorpio season offers and which signs should prepare for reinvention at work this month. She also advises on the best days for big negotiations and pitches—like when Venus shifts into Capricorn on November 11—and how to best work with Mercury’s retrograde at the end of the month.

    November starts with a potent full moon in Scorpio on the first of the month, heightening our intuition and desire for change. The first two weeks of the month are perfect for key meetings and launches, especially November 11—aka the 11/11 Portal—due to Venus’ move into Capricorn amplifying our ability to enhance work we’re passionate about. On November 15, we have the full moon in Taurus, asking us to find a balance between our desires for financial growth and what we need to nourish ourselves to sustain success (i.e., put your holiday PTO in if you haven’t already). We also move into Mercury retrograde’s shadow by mid-month, with the official retrograde beginning on November 25, so it’s best to get key contracts signed and major negotiations wrapped before month’s end if possible. On November 22, Sagittarius season officially begins, bringing a sense of playfulness and innovation to projects that may have felt stagnant.

    Prepare for a month of innovation and reinvention. The most advantageous window is the first two and a half weeks of the month to complete deals or projects and receive clear communication about what to expect in the new year. The end of November is a great time to revisit any old initiatives that may have been shelved, as Sagittarius season can bring them some meaningful new life. 

    Read on to discover what the cards have in store for your sign.

    Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

    Card: Temperance

    Temperance reminds us of the importance of balancing and alchemizing the right ingredients. This is important to remember when Aries’ fiery nature may want to dump everything into the pot and crank up the heat. Don’t burn yourself out this month, as new projects and opportunities will need you to be on your A-game.

    Highlight: A (Good) Surprise From the Past 

    Don’t let Mercury’s retrograde at the end of the month scare you. Mercury’s revisiting-the-past energy brings the return of a previous client or colleague who has an exciting and abundant opportunity for you.

    Heads Up: It’s a Marathon Not a Sprint

    A lot is heading your way this month, so prioritizing your mental and physical health is more important than ever. It might be a good time to take some extra PTO at the end of November.

    Mantra: Pace Yourself

    Tanya Nolan

    Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

    Card: The Moon

    The Moon may bring up intense emotions around big change that’s on the horizon this month. This card also activates your intuition more clearly than ever to set yourself up for a well-deserved win regarding a major meeting or presentation this month.

    Highlight: Choosing Yourself is the Biggest Flex

    The full moon in Taurus on November 15 sheds additional light on where to prioritize yourself. You may decline a job offer that’s not the total package or negotiate for better terms. Either way, you walk away feeling empowered.

    Heads Up: No Need to Second Guess

    November may lead you to make a surprisingly decisive call and then backtrack in your mind, wondering if you did, in fact, choose correctly. There’s no need to triple-check your work on this one. Your intuition led you to the right decision.

    Mantra: Don’t Look Back 

    Natalie Cole

    Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

    Card: The Chariot

    The Chariot comes in like Miley on a wrecking ball with good news that you may have almost given up hope on (at least for this year). Even though this is definitely a reason to celebrate, reading through details thoroughly before signing on the dotted line is essential.

    Highlight: Wrapping the Year with Big Wins

    The new moon at the beginning of the month (November 1) is likely to bring more important players into the mix to finalize delayed deals or contracts. 

    Heads Up: Watch Out for Procrastination

    Geminis have infectious energy and excitement, but sometimes, that can lead to overthinking and polling others as a form of procrastination. It’s best to clarify everything before Mercury goes retrograde on November 25—if you do, you’ll be celebrating by Sagittarius season.

    Mantra: Ride the Momentum


    Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

    Card: Ace of Wands

    Ace of Wands indicates a new passion pursuit or a new level of responsibility is coming this month. If you have an essential meeting or year-end review in November, abundant news is on the way.

    Highlight: It’s Go Time

    The first two weeks of the month are a powerful manifestation window for you. This starts with the November 1 new moon in a fellow water sign, Scorpio, and continues through the November 15 full moon in luxury and abundance-loving Taurus. Use this time to clarify your intentions regarding what you want to receive from an upcoming meeting/opportunity at the end of the month.

    Heads Up: Keep Looking Forward

    If stories of unworthiness start to pop up, especially when the sun opposes Uranus on November 16, refocus your energy on recalling all of your contributions and work wins over the past six to 12 months.

    Mantra: The Time is Now


    Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

    Card: Four of Swords

    Leos are rock stars who make excellent leaders and entrepreneurs because of their strength and confidence. You’ve weathered many storms in 2024, and the Four of Swords card reminds you to pause and reflect upon what you’ve accomplished and give yourself credit for what you’ve built this year.

    Highlight: Trust Yourself First

    The new moon in Scorpio on the first of the month brings an increased sense of urgency. It’s good to be inspired to take action, but make sure you trust your inner guidance system. Doing so will reap substantial rewards come the 11/11 Portal when Venus shifts into Capricorn, bringing big money moves within reach.

    Heads Up: Detach from the Outside Noise

    As Mercury nears its retrograde shadow period after the second week of the month, many people are giving you (perhaps unsolicited) advice. Take what resonates and leave the rest—don’t let it distract you from what you know is right.

    Mantra: Filter Out The Noise

    J Infinite

    Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

    Card: Seven of Pentacles

    After an intense fall of going nonstop, it may feel like a bad sign to take on a slower pace, but this is exactly what this month calls for to obtain even more success. Seven of Pentacles reminds us of the rewards that come with patience and reflection.

    Highlight: Strategy + Agility = Success

    Your dedication to detail and willingness to recalculate the route for the highest integrity of your work has paid off big time this month. This may look like a raise, promotion in a year-end review, or closing a significant deal you’ve had your eye on for a while.

    Heads Up: It’s Okay to Take Time to Recalibrate

    Virgos are one of the hardest working signs of the zodiac and aren’t great at taking time off for themselves. If possible, take some extra time near the end of the month to recalibrate, as you also have some additional work wins that require you to be on your A-game coming in December.

    Mantra: Reset. Recharge.

    Avenue Army

    Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

    Card: Ace of Pentacles

    A new source of financial abundance is on the table in November. The Ace of Pentacles suggests this will bring increased prosperity for the foreseeable future as it will also open other doors for you.

    Highlight: Mid-Month Money Moves

    Pay attention to any meetings or calls requested near or on the 11/11 Portal connected to past colleagues or friends in the industry. These opportunities will progress quickly this month.

    Heads Up: Going Backwards to Go Forwards

    This new opportunity likely commences during Mercury’s retrograde shadow period, which means some repetition may be needed. Don’t get frustrated if more calls or meetings are needed than usual.

    Mantra: The Champion

    Carrie Underwood

    Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

    Card: Death/Rebirth

    Happy birthday, Scorpio. Death/Rebirth is the card that’s ruled by Scorpio, so this is a perfect gift for your solar return. This indicates that powerful transformation is on the way in for you this month.

    Highlight: Abundant Changes On the Way In

    A substantial career move you’ve wanted to make is now officially on the table. It’s okay if you have mixed feelings, even if this opportunity is exactly what you’ve been wanting. Lean into the unknown, as massive growth is unlocked as a result.

    Heads Up: Watch the Need to Control/Micromanage

    Part of the uncertainty may be tied to unknown factors and perceived risks beyond your control—this doesn’t mean it’s worth shying away from—it just means that a mix of strategy and surrender will be your most valuable tools.

    Mantra: Show Me What You’re Made Of

    The Score

    Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

    Card: Three of Cups

    Your season is just around the corner, Sagittarius, and Three of Cups suggests that the celebration energy is kicking in already. Use the time between the new moon in Scorpio on November 1 and the 11/11 Portal to complete the more tedious tasks you can for the month because some unexpected (and fun) work opportunities are on the way after that.

    Highlight: The More Fun I Have, The More Money I Make

    As a mutable fire sign, Sagittarians generate the most success when lit up and connected with others. Lean into your extroverted side this month, as that is precisely how some unexpected clients and projects come your way.

    Heads Up: Don’t Overexert Yourself Scheduling-wise

    Though November holds some decadent and abundance-inducing social soirees, don’t overschedule yourself to the point that there’s no me-time between work and extracurricular activities.

    Mantra: All I Wanna Do is What I Do Well 


    Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19)

    Card: Justice

    The game’s not over yet, Capricorn. You may have been extra critical of yourself regarding accomplishments this year. Still, when you take an objective, scales-of-Justice-card-style review, you’ve had an impressive year with both significant personal and professional wins.

    Highlight: You’re Ready for this Upgrade

    As we move into the tail end of 2024, additional boundaries may need to be established. Doing so will set you up for end-of-the-year wins that begin when Venus moves into your sign, Capricorn, on November 11.

    Heads Up: Hard Decisions Require Confidence AND Intuition

    Capricorns are known for their shrewd business decisiveness. This confidence, coupled with trusting your intuition, will guide you through releasing and boundarying anything in the way of claiming the success that’s headed your way.

    Mantra: My Silver Lining

    – First Aid Kit

    Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

    Card: Ace of Swords

    Ace of Swords is the card representing the start of the element of air, like Aquarius’s ruling element, and how we wield it to speak our intentional truth and ignite new beginnings.

    Highlight: The Ability to Speak It Into Being

    The word abracadabra comes from the Hebrew phrase “I create as I speak.” This month, Aquarians will have a heightened ability to innovate and evolve their career trajectories, particularly following Pluto’s re-entry into Aquarius on November 19.

    Heads Up: Don’t Let the Past Control You

    As we move through intense waves of change throughout the Scorpio season, old fears and limitations may try to slow your roll. Remember, whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right either way. 足球竞彩网 which thoughts—and words—you give power to wisely.

    Mantra: You’re Gonna Hear Me Roar

    Katy Perry

    Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

    Card: The World

    Scorpio, a powerful water-ruled season similar to Pisces, brings transformative endings that clear space for new beginnings. The World card reminds us that even if we just moved through an intense ending, new doors are opening as a result.

    Highlight: A Brand-New Start

    Beginning with the days following the Scorpio new moon on November 1, new introductions and inquiries seemingly fall into your lap (or inbox). Change may occur in another company or division that has their eye on you as Uranus re-enters Aquarius on November 19.

    Heads Up: One Step At A Time

    With all the recent transitions you’ve gone through, feelings of overwhelm are understandable. Even as multiple inquiries arrive (good problems to have) you may feel inundated and wonder where to start. Be gentle with yourself, and remember to focus on the next right step.

    Mantra: Top of The World


    Harness your energy and prepare for reinvention with help from 足球竞彩网 Assembly

    November is the perfect time to harness your personal energy and take steps forward to reinvent yourself—and your career. No matter what that looks like for you, we’ll be here to help you move forward with real skills. Take a free tech skill class, sign up for a free info session, or attend a free career development event, register for a hands-on workshop—or begin your complete career reinvention with one of our full-time or part-time bootcamps or short courses.

    Want to learn more about 足球竞彩网 Assembly’s tech training options? Get in touch with our Admissions team.


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