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    Blog Career tarotscopes for March 2025

    Career tarotscopes for March 2025

    足球竞彩网 Assembly
    March 1, 2025
    Career Tarotscopes

    Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her tarot deck and has tips for which signs should utilize March’s retrogrades and eclipses to transform and upgrade their careers and which signs should do some strategic networking before taking any big leaps. She also has team and collaboration insight—regarding existing and new partnerships—plus the best dates to share new ideas (like after the spring equinox on March 20).

    March comes in hot with Venus stationing retrograde in Aries on the first, inspiring reevaluation of workflow and team dynamics. This retrograde also highlights how we advocate for ourselves in partnerships and business dealings. Expect old dynamics to resurface, allowing us to break patterns and redefine what success means to us for 2025. 

    March also brings a shift in communication and clarity as Mercury stations retrograde on March 14. Unlike February’s pace, this month requires more patience with decision-making, communication, and technology. The lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 is an energetic detox, exposing inefficiencies and clarifying what’s no longer sustainable—especially regarding organization and outdated systems. The Spring Equinox on March 20 marks the start of Aries season, bringing renewed energy and a sense of urgency to launch new ideas. However, with Mercury still retrograde, be mindful of impulsive decisions. We wrap the month with a solar eclipse in Aries on March 29, igniting fresh starts and unexpected shifts in identity, leadership, and ambition. The end of March is a powerful time for manifestation—but eclipses tend to shake things up in unexpected ways, so trust the process.

    Get ready for a month of introspection, realignment, and new opportunities. The first half of March is best for reviewing contracts and work relationships, while the Equinox and solar eclipse at the end of the month usher in bold, unexpected shifts. Read on to discover what the cards have in store for your sign.

    Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

    Card: Eight of Pentacles

    If February ignited a little too much of that Aries fire, March brings less burnout but also requires more patience, as this month is more about strategic vision and consistent workflow.

    Highlight: Back in the Groove  

    Inspiration strikes early in the month that may require some tweaks to a project that felt complete. Making these revisions sets you up for big wins between now and June. 

    Heads Up: Don’t Let Impatience Take Over 

    The end of the month is your time to shine with the equinox, and the beginning of the Aries season opening powerful doors for you. Still, the solar eclipse in Aries reminds you that while many opportunities are at your fingertips, trust the timing and watch impatience.

    Mantra: Step by Step

    – Whitney Houston

    Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

    Card: Knight of Swords

    While Tauruses are known for being slow and methodical, this month, there are many moving pieces that require swift decisiveness, especially near the lunar eclipse in fellow earth sign Virgo on March 13.

    Highlight: Your Voice is Valued

    While many opinions are in the mix by mid-month, your voice carries the most weight regarding the best solution for a specific project or collaboration. Make sure to advocate for what you know is right at this time.

    Heads Up: Decision Time

    Don’t overthink what you know feels correct or allow others’ opinions to sway you. Your discernment and decisiveness are needed this month.

    Mantra: Make the Call 

    Jaclyn Gee

    Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

    Card: Temperance

    Geminis run at full speed and can be notorious workaholics, so the Temperance card of balance and moderation may come as no surprise. However, this is more important than ever as working smarter, not harder, pays off in spades this month.

    Highlight: Downtime is Rewarded

    As your ruling planet, Mercury, goes retrograde on March 14, it’s best to strategize the first part of the month for any new meetings or pitches and allow yourself to slow down a bit after the equinox (March 20)—even using some PTO if possible.

    Heads Up: Fight the Urge to Revert to Old Patterns

    Mercury’s retrograde can inspire tweaking and revising existing projects, but be careful not to overdo it. Balance is needed at month’s end to recharge you for big opportunities in April.

    Mantra: Save A Little For Yourself

    Mandy Moore

    Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

    Card: The Queen of Cups

    The Queen of Cups is the maternal water queen, much like the nourishing, caretaking sign of Cancer. She arrives just in time for the recalibration of the spring equinox.

    Highlight: Say Yes To Offers This Month

    So much is on the table for you this month—new collaborations, opportunities, and more daily support from your team. Though you’re used to caring for others, this is your month to receive, especially the second half of the month as we approach Aries season and the solar eclipse.

    Heads Up: Don’t Question Good Fortune

    As someone who’s used to doing for others, receiving can feel foreign and even uncomfortable. You may be skeptical of opportunities or colleagues who’re noticeably more supportive this month, but remember, you’ve earned it.

    Mantra: Earned It

    The Weeknd

    Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

    Card: Seven of Pentacles

    The Seven of Pentacles reminds us of the rewards of methodically planting and watering the seeds of our ideas and creations. Since the full moon in Leo on February 12, many doors opened that required a bit more tweaking and nurturing. This month is the time for these opportunities to blossom.

    Highlight: Stabilizing the Foundation

    The first half of the month leading up to the lunar eclipse on March 13 is the time to double-check contracts and reassess the needs of existing relationships with collaborators to set yourself up for the most success at the end of March.

    Heads Up: What Feels Like Going Backwards Is Actually the Best Path Forward

    Don’t mistake closing old loops and necessary course corrections with backward motion. This process cleans and clears the path to receiving new offers, contracts, and opportunities after the spring equinox of March 20.

    Mantra: Clear the Path

    Cara Dillion

    Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

    Card: Two of Swords

    Two of Swords appears just in the nick of time. If calls and meetings in February led you to believe there was only one remaining path forward in a challenging project, this card reminds you that more than one road can lead to success this month.

    Highlight: Multiple Options Are Simultaneously Possible

    It’s okay to change course this month, especially after the lunar eclipse, which is in your sign on March 13. A better collaborator or option may arrive at what appears to be the eleventh hour, so trust your instincts on this one.

    Heads Up: Filter Out The Naysayers 

    Virgos are known for their work ethic and groundedness, but their intuitive gifts are often overlooked. You see a winning solution ahead of colleagues this month. Don’t let outside opinions distract you from what you know is the right path.

    Mantra: It’s the Right Time

    Studio Yuraki

    Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

    Card: Three of Cups

    Three of Cups celebrates work successes and thriving in community. This month, look forward to successful collaborations and building and growing lasting work relationships.

    Highlight: More Fun and Flow at Work

    With Venus beginning its retrograde in Pisces on the first of the month, you may be in somewhat of an insular solo mode assessing what needs editing for the month ahead. However, the second half of the month brings new clients and/or collaborators who bring more success and fun to your work.

    Heads Up: Pitch and Launch Early in the Month

    Mercury’s retrograde on March 14 impacts Libra’s air element and need for balance in communication, so it’s best to plan key pitches and launches for the first half of the month if possible.

    Mantra: Find Your People

    Drew Holcomb

    Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

    Card: Death/Rebirth

    2025 is a big year of shakeups, and while Scorpio is the astrological ruler of the Death card, they often have a love/hate relationship with change. This month offers up some interesting side quests for empowering transformation.

    Highlight: Unexpected Possibilities

    March brings surprising invitations to expand—inside and outside—your current company. Look for past employers or mentors connecting early in the month as Venus retrogrades in Pisces, while brand-new opportunities are likely to surface after the spring equinox on March 20.

    Heads Up: What You’re Not Changing You’re Choosing

    Significant changes are available this month, but only if you say yes to evolution. Ultimately, only you can free yourself from dynamics and environments you know you’ve outgrown.

    Mantra: A Change Would Do You Good

    Sheryl Crow

    Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

    Card: Page of Pentacles

    March brings a sneak preview of the abundance that’ll flow in the second quarter of 2025. The Page of Pentacles suggests sparks of enthusiasm and inspiration will come this month.

    Highlight: Pacing Pays Off

    The first half of the month may feel a bit slower as it’s more important to edit and revisit, especially regarding collaborations and team dynamics due to Venus’ retrograde. Allowing time for necessary revisions and recalibration set you up to receive good news on pending projects on the other side of the spring equinox (March 20).

    Heads Up: Overexertion Will Only Set You Back

    Sagittarians are usually adept at working smarter, not harder, but the temptation to throw yourself into overdrive when Mercury’s retrograde (beginning March 14) delays communication will only lead to burnout. Use delays to recharge this month.

    Mantra: It’s All Happening

    Saint Motel

    Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19)

    Card: The Hanged Man

    The Hanged Man requires patience and surrender, practices often not favored by Capricorns—however, surrendering to the right timing gets you far this month.

    Highlight: Worth the Wait

    A pending contract or indecisive client finally comes through the second half of the month, but not before letting go of some old patterns and potentially also relationships that are no longer serving with the lunar eclipse in Virgo (March 13).

    Heads Up: Never Say Never 

    A former boss or client may pop up mid-month in true Mercury retrograde style. Don’t write them off based on who they used to be—this is a conversation worth having.

    Mantra: Right on Time

    – Brandi Carlile

    Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

    Card: The Sun

    Congratulations on your work during Aquarius season—the changes you made and the discipline you utilized set you up for big upgrades this month.

    Highlight: Exploration Is Essential

    If your birthday felt more like the official start of the new year, then the spring equinox (March 20) feels like the celebration of the 2025 version of yourself. Look for unexpected calls, emails, and DMs the last week and a half of the month, and allow yourself to be curious and thoroughly explore all the options.

    Heads Up: Trust Yourself 

    Though multiple opportunities at once are arguably a good thing, they can be overwhelming. Make sure to ask for the time you need and filter out any outside pressure or coercion—including the opinions of past versions of yourself—before committing to anything.

    Mantra: Upgrade U


    Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

    Card: The Moon 

    The Moon card represents the coexistence of light and shadow in all of us. Pisces, who are notoriously idealists regarding the potential of projects and people they believe in, are challenged to take a more pragmatic approach when making decisions near the lunar eclipse mid-month.

    Highlight: Leading Empowering Change

    March is a turning point in an ongoing project. Your opinion is crucial regarding what will and can be changed successfully. Don’t overthink or overcomplicate. Lean into the grounded earth energy of the Virgo full moon on the thirteenth.

    Heads Up: Remove the Rose Colored Glasses

    When constructing the plan for the next weeks and months, it’s essential to find a harmonious balance between the ideal and the real. It’s important to hold high standards and continue to dream big while allowing room for setting achievable goals worth celebrating.

    Mantra: Step Forward and Meet a New Sunrise


    March is coming in hot—use its momentum to transform your career 

    March’s retrogrades and eclipses provide the momentum you need to level up and transform your career. And we’re here to help you move forward with real skills. Sign up for a free tech skill class, info session, or career development event, register for a hands-on, two-evening workshop, embark on a full-time or part-time short course—or get skilled up for a complete career change in as little as 12 weeks with one of our full-time or part-time bootcamps.

    Get in touch today.


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