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    Blog Career Tarotscopes for December 2024

    Career Tarotscopes for December 2024

    足球竞彩网 Assembly
    December 1, 2024
    Career Tarotscopes

    Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her cards. She has insight into the expansion and innovation that Sagittarius season offers and which signs should circle back to old projects for new inspiration this month. She also advises on the best days for advocating for raises and promotions—like when Mercury goes direct on the Gemini full moon on December 15 and how to best work with Capricorn’s energy at the end of the month to set up the most prosperous new year.

    December begins with an optimistic new moon in Sagittarius on Sunday December 1, helping us to reset and recalibrate from an intense Scorpio season. The first half of the month is an essential time of reflection and reviewing what we’ve learned throughout the year and how it can help us in 2025. December 6, in particular, challenges us to look at where we need to review how we assert ourselves at work as Mars begins to retrograde in Leo. By December 15, projects and deals that may’ve had some irritating delays start to move as Mercury goes direct. Any year-end reviews scheduled for the last two weeks of December can utilize the more transparent communication of Mercury’s transit and the momentum of the full moon in throat-chakra-ruled Gemini on December 15. Plus, December 21 marks both the winter solstice and the beginning of the Capricorn season—the perfect time to get loose ends tied up in an efficient manner before the holidays.

    Prepare for a month of increased clarity around how we’ve evolved in our communication and delegation skills throughout 2024. The first two weeks of December in the Sagittarius season aren’t a time to rush or react impulsively, but rather to inventory what’s been learned this year and what shifts may be needed in the new year. The second half of the month, as Mercury moves direct and we near Capricorn season, is more advantageous for any important year-end conversations. 

    Read on to discover what the cards have in store for your sign.

    Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

    Card: Ace of Pentacles

    The Ace of Pentacles indicates a big payday coming your way in December. Aces indicate the start of something bigger, so it’s not a one-off payment but more likely the beginning of something ongoing.

    Highlight: Big Payouts (Financially and Energetically) 

    Aries plays well with fellow fire sign Sagittarius season, so the optimism for this month is contagious. Aim big and quote high for new projects and clients, as you’ll be rewarded for doing so.

    Heads Up: Allow Space to Receive 

    Though Aries often prefers to initiate and chase, this month, especially the first half, is all about allowing yourself to be seen and setting yourself up to receive. The week of December 15–20 is an advantageous time for key meetings and calls.

    Mantra: Shine Your Light Now


    Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

    Card: Seven of Cups

    While other signs may be slowing down for the holidays, it feels like you’re ramping up more than in previous months as more opportunities and responsibilities appear in December.

    Highlight: Your Intuition is on Fire

    Trust yourself to prioritize what to focus on first while filtering out unnecessary outside noises and unproductive opinions. Your inner guidance system will lead you to the most successful and efficient outcomes.

    Heads Up: Don’t Set Yourself Up For Overwhelm

    You know yourself and your bandwidth—saying no to some requests is okay. It may also be necessary to acknowledge to higher-ups and clients that more time will be needed to achieve the desired outcomes, especially at the beginning of the month.

    Mantra: Pace Yourself 

    Raheem DeVaughn and Tanya Nolan

    Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

    Card: Two of Wands

    After what may have felt like a stagnant Scorpio season, multiple offers are available to you by mid-month.

    Highlight: You’re In Demand

    The Two of Wands card often appears when a crossroads guides you to the riskier, less traveled road. Remember, multiple options are a good problem to have.

    Heads Up: Be Mindful of Analysis Paralysis

    Geminis are incredibly inquisitive and analytical, but don’t let this drive you into overthinking or second-guessing your choice. Look for more clarity on the full moon in Gemini on December 15.

    Mantra: Your Decision

    Alice In Chains

    Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

    Card: Justice

    Because of your strong work ethic and nurturing nature, you’re likely the go-to individual for carrying extra responsibilities when others are taking PTO or are overloaded during the holiday rush. The Justice card reminds you to set boundaries where necessary this month.

    Highlight: Overdue Level-Up On the Way

    There’s a needle in the chaotic haystack of December, as a seemingly overdue career level-up via a raise or new opportunity is headed your way around the Winter Solstice (December 21).

    Heads Up: You Are Your Best Advocate

    It may feel harder than usual to assert boundaries at work this month due to your empathetic nature, but doing so sets you up for more success. Advocating for yourself also includes negotiating the best terms for the opportunity that comes in this month.

    Mantra: Speak Your Mind

    Alice Merton

    Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

    Card: The Sun

    The Sun card is ruled by the Sun—aka—Leo’s ruling planet. This card indicates you’ll feel confident and ready to celebrate the optimistic inspiration of Sagittarius season in your work this month.

    Highlight: Your Time to Shine

    The Sun card ignites the solar plexus (our confidence chakra) and illuminates our strengths and skills. This energy will serve you well with new projects and opportunities coming your way by mid-December.

    Heads Up: The Opinion that Matters Most is Your Own

    There may be some minor stalls and glitches, especially when Mars retrogrades in Leo on December 6, but stay focused and trust your own opinion of yourself and your work above all.

    Mantra: Only Shooting Stars Break the Mold

    Smash Mouth

    Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

    Card: Nine of Pentacles

    Nine of Pentacles comes in like a well-deserved bonus and may include an actual, sizable bonus by month’s end as a reward for the impressive dedication and effort you’ve put in in 2024.

    Highlight: 2024’s Hard Work is All Paying Off

    All the late nights from the past several months are finally paying off, Virgo. Nine of Pentacles reminds you to pause and give yourself gratitude for all you’ve created this year.

    Heads Up: Don’t Rush Ahead to the Next Steps

    Virgos are notoriously perfectionistic and hard on themselves. Though it may feel tempting to instantly look for what can be improved or planned for the next steps, the full moon in Gemini on December 15 reminds you to slow down and enjoy the rewards of your work.

    Mantra: Everything’s Worth It


    Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

    Card: Ace of Wands

    If you entered December preparing to count 2024 as already complete regarding business wins, don’t total your bottom line just yet.

    Highlight: Wrapping the Year Strong

    The Ace of Wands indicates an important opportunity, such as a new client, account, or offer, that strikes just before the end of the year.

    Heads Up: Pay Attention to Early Symptoms of Burnout

    Just because good news comes this month doesn’t mean you should neglect your self-care to prove your worthiness in receiving this opportunity. Make sure to rest as needed, as January brings even more expansion to your career.

    Mantra: Stronger

    Kelly Clarkson

    Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

    Card: The Star

    After an intense Scorpio season, including Pluto (Scorpio’s ruler) moving into Aquarius, you may feel a little battle-scarred from November. The Star card comes in this December as a reward for your patience.

    Highlight: Mid-Month Money Moves

    Your additional efforts over the past several months haven’t gone unnoticed. Celebratory news from an important meeting in the third week of December will clarify this.

    Heads Up: Pay Attention to the Stories You Tell Yourself

    Waiting can cause us to fixate on fears of undesired outcomes. Remember, fears aren’t facts. The Star card rewards patience and faith.

    Mantra: I’m a Survivor

    Destiny’s Child

    Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

    Card: King of Wands

    Happy Birthday, Sagittarius. The King of Wands, aka, the creative fire king, is the perfect card to kick off your solar return. The King of Wands shares your optimism and brings a spark of inspiration back to a project that may’ve been slowly dwindling to embers until this point.

    Highlight: A Big Victory Before Year End

    An unexpected twist involving new individuals becoming involved with an old project paves a promising path forward for 2025. Pay attention to calls or emails following the new moon in Sagittarius on December 1.

    Heads Up: Give Yourself a Reward to Look Forward To 

    Sagittarians thrive on fun, and there’s still a good amount of work to do in December that’ll pay off in the new year. To keep your playful nature satiated, plan rewards for yourself, whether that means spa self-care dates or a New Year’s trip.

    Mantra: Sweet Victory

    David Glen Eisley

    Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19)

    Card: The High Priestess

    The most instinctive card in the deck, The High Priestess, comes in as an early birthday gift, Capricorn, dialing up your intuition to a whole new level this month.

    Highlight: The Beginning of a Winning Streak

    As soon as Capricorn season begins with the Winter Solstice on December 21, intuitive decisions you made earlier in the month begin to pay off. By the end of the month, you can feel that you’re stepping into a new flow of success in your career.

    Heads Up: Focus On One Step At a Time

    Listening to your inner guidance system is paying off, showing you multiple areas regarding successes for the year ahead. Don’t let that overwhelm you. Just worry about the next right step.

    Mantra: One Step Closer

    – Linkin Park

    Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

    Card: Eight of Pentacles

    The Eight of Pentacles card and its grounded earth energy suggest that you’ll step into a sustainable flow of abundance by Capricorn season (December 21) as long as you keep your eyes on the prize.

    Highlight: Increased Momentum

    Due to Mercury’s retrograde through December 15, the first half of the month is about committing to what’s already working versus starting anything new—much like physics suggests objects in motion stay in motion. As a result, you’ll be met with praise and financial rewards by the end of the month.

    Heads Up: Both Focus and Consistency Are Needed More Than Ever

    Aquarians are great big-picture thinkers but sometimes get pulled in multiple directions, causing them to remain stalled after the starting point. Focus is vital this month.

    Mantra: Consistency

    Megan Thee Stallion

    Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

    Card: The Hierophant

    The Hierophant is the card of milestones and “aha moments,” suggesting that big news is coming in regarding an existing project or initiative from 2024.

    Highlight: Important Lessons and Reveals

    If you act quickly, significant rewards will come from the Hierophant’s news this month. Pay attention to unexpected calls from past colleagues or industry contacts between the full moon in Gemini on December 15 and the Winter Solstice on December 21.

    Heads Up: 足球竞彩网 Empowerment Over Martyrdom

    There may be a caveat that comes with December’s opportunity. Pisces are wonderfully sensitive and deep, but their shadow side can bring pessimism. How you receive this news will set the tone for the project’s duration.

    Mantra: The Choice is Yours

    Black Sheep

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