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    Blog Business leader tarotscopes for your quarter ahead

    Business leader tarotscopes for your quarter ahead

    足球竞彩网 Assembly
    March 14, 2025

    Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries, tarot reader to the stars, and guest blogger for our popular Career Tarotscopes series, is back with another installment of tarotscopes tailored for business leaders. She consulted her cards to provide an in-depth analysis of the upcoming quarter for tech and other leaders alike—focusing on management, leadership, and all things personal development. So what’s in the cards for the second quarter of 2025?

    Q2 begins by asking us to clarify what we want when Mercury conjoins the North Node in Pisces on April 3. Even if we know exactly what we need, waiting a few days before making requests is wise, as Mercury will remain retrograde until the seventh. The full moon in Libra on April 12 is the perfect time to assess what we learned in Q1 from setbacks so that we can recalibrate effectively and learn from our mistakes—especially with the Chiron Cazimi in Aries (also on the twelfth) asking us to make fast changes once we realize what needs to be adjusted. April wraps with a powerful new moon in Taurus on April 27, preparing us to commit to investments in our team and longer-term projects beginning in Q2.

    May enters with a focus on transformation as we head into the full moon in Scorpio on the twelfth. Anything that demanded our attention in Aries season is now ready to be shifted for the better. Expect meaningful pivots and important rerouting of Q2 and Q3 goals after May 17 when a bolt of innovation comes with the Uranus Cazimi in Taurus and asks us to make essential changes to previous plans to increase and expedite progress and abundance. The end of the month brings meaningful new beginnings with clients and collaborators with the new moon in Gemini on May 26. The Mercury Cazimi on May 29 is the perfect time to announce exciting new plans and projects to your team. Additionally, announcements like press releases and launches timed for near May 29 will be met with even more praise and recognition than expected.

    While May is full of last-minute revisions and announcements in true Gemini form, June focuses on protecting and aligning our teams and strategies. When Jupiter enters Cancer on June 9, expanding from within is essential—think all hands on deck to get to a big goal by month’s end. June 11 brings additional resources thanks to the full moon in optimistic Sagittarius, bringing a successful end to some major initiatives at the eleventh hour. The month wraps with a potent new moon in Cancer on June 25, illuminating the power of teamwork and setting up some MVPs for well-deserved recognition and level-ups come Q3.

    Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

    Lean In: 8 of Pentacles: Q2 is a Marathon Not a Sprint

    Aries tend to push the pedal to the metal in all scenarios, especially when your season comes (from the end of March through mid-April.) The Eight of Pentacles reminds you to pace yourself, especially in April. Use the Chiron Cazimi on April 12 to clarify what needs to be reevaluated and recalibrated.

    Watch Out: 6 of Swords: Clearing Out and Collaborating

    When Jupiter enters Cancer on June 9, the changes you made in April through May are paying off, but remember the importance of collaborating with teammates at this time. You don’t need to go it alone.

    Remember: The Star: Timing is Everything

    While inspiration strikes as soon as Q2 begins, sometimes tweaking and revising are necessary for success. It’s okay to loop backward to get ahead. The end of May brings a powerful window for new partnerships and collaborations with the new moon in Gemini on May 26.

    Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

    Lean In: Queen of Cups: Fill Your Own Cup First 

    Your methodical and grounded nature makes you a great leader who prioritizes the bigger picture and the well-being of your team. This quarter, big decisions present themselves in April, requiring you to determine what will set you up for the most success in the long haul. Focus on work-life balance and use PTO as needed.

    Watch Out: Five of Cups: Mindful of What you Give Your Attention To 

    Expansive uplevels on the horizon also come with challenges, including change-adverse naysayers. What we focus on expands. When defeatist attitudes surround you, come back to your solution-based mindset.

    Remember: The Magician: You Have All the Tools You Need

    More resources may be required as significant abundance comes through in the first half of June. Look around you—you have all the resources, in terms of team members and budget, that you need.

    Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

    Lean In: 2 of Swords: Both are Possible

    If you’ve been struggling with stories of mutual exclusion, April comes in hot to show you that you don’t have to sacrifice your happiness for success. Abundance and work-life balance are on the horizon if you are willing to make some necessary changes following the full moon in Libra on April 12.

    Watch Out: 7 of Cups: Discernment Brings Success 

    April and May bring many opportunities, but not all are worthy of your time and energy. Declining the projects and collaborations that aren’t a good fit is just as important as greenlighting the aligned initiatives. 

    Remember: Temperance: Change Requires One Step at A Time

    If taking on more is your default setting, the spring will test you with too many options and the temptation to go back to being overwhelmed and exhausted. Choosing what feels aligned for you and your team one project at a time sets you up for financial wins following the full moon in Sagittarius on June 11.

    Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

    Lean In: Queen of Pentacles: Securing Your Throne

    Your 2025 efforts are paying off, Cancer. Look forward to significant upgrades, including noteworthy raises and increased leadership roles. Cancer season in June (specifically when Jupiter enters your sign on June 9) is your time to shine, so use the spring to set yourself up to reap the rewards you’ve been working toward.

    Watch Out: 5 of Swords: Watch Your Inner Critic

    Especially come mid-April when a Chiron Cazimi may shake up your confidence, watch your self-talk and avoid playing into worst-case scenario anxiety loops. Changes in your company or industry may generate uncertainty but are also creating new pathways for change and expansion.

    Remember: The Hanged Man: It’s All About Perspective

    2025 is a year of massive change and shakeups, but it’s also a year where you can choose your adventure within your industry to a degree. Use the first half of Q2 to adjust and make changes as needed and prepare to share your plans by the end of May (specifically the new moon in Gemini on May 26) to be rewarded by Cancer season.

    Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

    Lean In: The Empress: Big Changes You’ve Been Craving

    Q2 is more like a game of chess than checkers, which can require patience for Leos, who likes to move fast. Mid-May after the Scorpio full moon on the twelfth is the perfect time to make the changes to project scopes and budgets you’ve been lining up since early 2025.

    Watch Out: Ace of Swords: Know When To Share and To Whom

    By the end of April, you may be itching to announce your plans for the rest of the quarter and the constructive revisions you want to implement, but it’s important to find the right moment when collaborators and higher-ups are ready to listen and digest this information. The second half of May through June (Gemini season) provides a receptive audience and the resources to move ahead effectively.

    Remember: 7 of Wands: Find Your Flow

    Following the March eclipses at the end of Q1, it may feel like you only want to charge full steam ahead. Seven of Wands reminds Leos of the importance of strategy, timing, and creating a sustainable ecosystem within your schedule and team.

    Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

    Lean In: The World: Zoom Out To the Bigger Picture

    2025 already offered a lot of movement to hard-working Virgos, and Q2 is here to reward those who followed their instincts even when colleagues and industry counterparts may have been wary of what was possible. After the new moon in Taurus on April 27, others will catch up and align with the vision you’ve held since the end of 2024.

    Watch Out: Judgement: You’ve Conquered Similar Challenges Before

    A crossroads in your department or industry that may have given you pause in early 2025 results in a successful outcome for you this quarter. It’s okay if outside opinions and pressure are weighing on you—remember, you’ve beaten similar odds in the past and come out even stronger.

    Remember: Nine of Wands: It’s Okay If It Comes Through at the Eleventh Hour

    Virgos are known to be generous with others and hard on themselves. Grant yourself the same graciousness regarding a deadline or central decision point arriving close to the end of May. The Uranus Cazimi in fellow earth sign Taurus on the seventeenth brings the details and confirmation you need to move forward.

    Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

    Lean In: The Fool: Get Ready to Take the Leap

    If you haven’t already felt the impact of significant changes in your industry in Q1, you’ll feel the transformation this spring. Get ready to say yes to a big opportunity that may have some unknown factors but is worth the risk. This could be a new role or spearheading a major new project that will change the course of your business in 2025.

    Watch Out: 7 of Swords: The Comfortable Choice Isn’t Always the Best Choice

    When the new moon in Gemini hits on May 26, there’s a time-sensitive need to decide how to proceed with specific clients/collaborators. Make sure to prioritize the best for your team and your business over the easy or comfortable choice.

    Remember: 8 of Cups: The Universe Loves a Void

    Walking away from previously planned initiatives or collaborators isn’t easy or comfortable, but clearing space allows more aligned opportunities, projects, and clients to enter.

    Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

    Lean In: 2 of Wands: Lead the Way Toward the Road Less Traveled

    Scorpios are influential leaders, and your team is looking to you to share information that will unlock greater potential for success, even though it’s not the predictable solution. The full moon in Scorpio on May 12 is a powerful day for key meetings and conversations with higher-ups.

    Watch Out: Six of Cups: Don’t Dismiss Vulnerability 

    April comes in hot and may feel like a rush to the finish line regarding projects and pitches. Pay attention to conversations with your team during Gemini season (especially close to the new moon on May 28) to uncover some out-of-the-box solutions and rally support behind them.

    Remember: King of Cups: Lead By Example

    If you crave change from your industry and leaders, this quarter is your opportunity to ignite evolution. Sharing ideas with your team and higher-ups, especially by the end of May, results in these initiatives being implemented in ways that significantly impact your environment and workflow.

    Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

    Lean In: The Chariot: Sustainable Momentum

    Though early 2025 brought undeniable inspiration and progress, maintaining a consistent cruising altitude may have felt hard. The astrological new year and the start of spring bring a cosmic recalibration that keeps Sagittarians in an energized flow to complete significant projects and close big deals throughout Q2.

    Watch Out: 8 of Swords: Don’t Fixate on Minor Delays

    While we move through the end of Mercury’s retrograde (officially going direct on April 7), don’t mistake slight delays for bad omens. These glitches don’t indicate that stagnation is returning but that a new season is beginning. Don’t sweat the small stuff, Sag. This quarter is your time to shine, especially as we enter Gemini season in May and June.

    Remember: The Queen of Swords: Use Your Voice

    You’ve earned your seat at the table—this is the time to use your voice accordingly. Speaking up for important causes pays off significantly the closer we get to the full moon in Sagittarius on June 11, which brings additional resources regarding funds and collaborators that’ll help you succeed.

    Capricorn/ Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19)

    Lean In: Two of Cups: Mentorship Moment

    While you’re known for your independence and commitment to success, this quarter is about collaboration and connection. It’s beneficial to open up to mentorship, both in terms of mentors who can advise you and connection to employees and team members who you can serve and inspire.

    Watch Out: Four of Swords: Prioritize the Opinions that Matter

    While Q2 brings meaningful collaborations, Gemini season (particularly the new moon in Gemini on May 26) brings multiple perspectives on these opportunities and partnerships. It’s important to choose wisely when taking advice and, most importantly, to prioritize your intuition.

    Remember: The Emperor: You’re Building Your Own Empire

    Whether you are leading a massive team or just starting to carve out your niche, this quarter allows you to make choices regarding team building and culture that set up your foundation for the rest of 2025.

    Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

    Lean In: Justice: Boundaries Generate Success

    With a lot of change in April, setting up systems to implement new initiatives efficiently is needed. You have innovative ideas on how this can be done. When fellow air sign Gemini enters on May 21, larger-scale conversations generate support around your proposed plans.

    Watch Out: Seven of Pentacles: Planting Seeds Consistently

    Aquarians are known as innovators and big-picture thinkers, and as a result, sometimes narrowing down to one area of focus can be challenging. Consistent forward motion is more critical this quarter than ever—focus and dedication will be rewarded.

    Remember: Strength: Commit to the Vision

    Continue to commit to the course you set out at the beginning of Q2, Aquarius. Hold strong through the shifts and recalibration period in April, and significant financial rewards are headed your way by Gemini season (May 21 through June 20).

    Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

    Lean In: The Hierophant: Empowering Changes

    April enters like a whirlwind for most, but on April 3, when Mercury conjoins the North Node in your sign, Pisces, you feel more empowered than ever to put necessary changes into place. Q2 is your time to reinvent and recalibrate in a way that will expand how you do business for the rest of 2025.

    Watch Out: 9 of Swords: Release Old Stories

    Move with the momentum of April, but be mindful of the chaos of those around you, as it may trigger old insecurities and fears of why your new plans may not work. Pisces is the most empathic sign, which is why it’s even more vital for you not to get pulled into stories of doubt and scarcity of others.

    Remember: 9 of Cups: Mindful of What You Are Creating More Of

    The second quarter is a time of rapid shifts, bringing endings and exciting new opportunities. The Nine of Cups reminds you to focus on what you want more of versus what you fear as your fixation expands your experience.

    Keep the momentum going with 足球竞彩网 Assembly

    Q2 is all about clarity and commitment to ensure your team continues to play at their peak. Whether you need a fresh pipeline of skilled tech talent—or to upskill and reskill the talent you have—we’re your partner to make it real. 


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