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    Blog Business Leader Tarotscopes for Your Quarter Ahead

    Business Leader Tarotscopes for Your Quarter Ahead

    足球竞彩网 Assembly
    December 18, 2024

    Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries, tarot reader to the stars, and guest blogger for our popular Career Tarotscopes series, is back with another installment of tarotscopes tailored for business leaders. She consulted her cards to provide an in-depth analysis of the upcoming quarter for tech and other leaders alike—focusing on management, leadership, and all things personal development. So what’s in the cards for the first quarter of 2025?

    Q1 is launching us into 2025 with optimism and velocity, free of the cosmic barriers we were experiencing with Mercury’s retrograde throughout Q4 of 2024. January begins with Venus entering Pisces on the third, providing inspiration regarding new deals and contracts beginning this month. On January 8, Mercury enters Capricorn and is free and clear of its retrograde shadow, meaning the second week of January is an excellent time for launches, pitches, and signing contracts. The full moon in Cancer on January 13 highlights where we may need to do some housekeeping regarding our teams’ responsibilities for the upcoming weeks to be as efficient and organized as possible.

    Aquarius season and February start strong with Venus, the planet of partnership and connection, entering Aries’s initiator sign on February 4. This transit indicates that new collaborations and abundant alliances will come together this month. On the same day, Jupiter goes direct, allowing faster and larger scale growth on any new projects launched in February. Make sure to take time for self-care in February because 2025’s momentum continues through mid-month, leading to the full moon in Leo on February 12. This full moon provides an added boost of confidence needed to close deals that will play a big role in Q2 through the rest of the year.

    We wrap the first quarter with a heightened emphasis on intentional communication as March begins with Venus stationing retrograde in Aries on the second of the month, reminding us to be mindful of being overly confrontational with business partners and collaborators. Similarly, Mercury moves into retrograde officially on March 14, which can cause additional communication delays and challenges. The Spring Equinox on March 20 provides a much-needed reset and a bit more movement forward regarding deals and contracts that may have been stalled during the first half of the month. The New Moon in Aries on March 29 sets the stage for bold moves and risks that will pay off in early Q2.

    Read on to see what the cards hold for your sign.

    Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

    Lean In: The Sun: Ready for Your Close-Up

    The Sun card, ruled by fellow fire sign Leo’s planetary ruler, the sun, lights up your sense of confidence and desire for inspired action. Use January to go all-in on a new initiative, as you have the right eyes on you and will be rewarded for doing so.

    Watch Out: Seven of Cups: The Opinion That Matters Most is Your Own

    When Venus enters Aries on February 4, you’ll have your pick of opportunities and collaborators to choose from. Though many people around you may have opinions, yours is the one that matters most when deciding which offers to move forward with.

    Remember: Two of Pentacles: Balance is Key

    Aries is the initiator of the zodiac, and with cosmic wins lined up in your favor for the next couple of months, it feels like you’re ready to sprint. Taking breaks as needed to avoid burnout is okay, especially in early March.

    Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

    Lean In: Two of Wands: Plan For the Long Game 

    Taurus, you have a big decision to make right after the holidays, and it’s essential to look at this for the long hall, as your choice sets the tone in many ways for the rest of 2025. How does each option feel when you picture yourself a year from now?

    Watch Out: Seven of Swords: 足球竞彩网 Yourself 

    Your loyalty and mindfulness of others’ expectations have brought you a lot of success. Q1 asks you to decide where prioritizing yourself over others’ opinions may feel uncomfortable but will yield the most significant rewards.

    Remember: Eight of Pentacles: One Step At a Time

    Big decisions can trigger the desire to know every possible challenge and outcome. When Mercury enters fellow earth sign, Capricorn, on January 8, you’ll set yourself up for the most success if you just stay focused on the next right step.

    Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

    Lean In: Nine of Cups: Get Clear With Your Intentions

    While it may seem cliché to advise getting your plan of action together at the start of the new year, Nine of Cups asks more specifically how you want to feel. The new moon in Aquarius on January 29 will bring big upgrades to your business, and knowing how you work best with others is essential.

    Watch Out: Ten of Swords: Leave Old Patterns in the Past Year 

    Old habits die hard, and you may find yourself taking on more than your share of a major project when it doesn’t serve you to do so by early February. If you catch yourself in this old pattern, credit yourself for acknowledging and recalibrating.

    Remember: Ace of Cups: Self Kindness is Key

    Geminis are notoriously hard on themselves, with their Mercury-ruled minds constantly analyzing. Kindness to yourself is a reward to you and your team, especially regarding big business decisions that are in your hands this quarter.

    Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

    Lean In: Three of Cups: Reason to Celebrate

    If the end of 2024 seemed a bit anticlimactic, the new year comes in strong with a significant win arriving just after the full moon in Cancer (January 13). Think of this new contract/deal as a belated holiday gift.

    Watch Out: King of Swords: Watch Your Words 

    The scale of January’s new opportunity sets an increased pace for 2025, but don’t allow this to push you into reactive, quick-tempered responses when delays and glitches arrive in early March, thanks to both Mercury and Venus’s retrograde.

    Remember: Strength: Trust Yourself

    Q1 of 2025 may have you saying to your past self, “Be careful what you wish for,” because there are also more logistics to manage with the increase in business. Remember, you’ve triumphed through massive undertakings before—trust yourself, your vision, and your team.

    Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

    Lean In: Seven of Pentacles: Seeds from 2024 Blooming and Ready for Harvest 

    If 2024 felt stagnant with many unexpected and unnecessary delays, Seven of Pentacles reminds you that the late nights and multiple pivots last year were all worth it.

    Watch Out: High Priestess: Pay Attention to Your Intuition

    By the Leo Full Moon in your sign on February 12, you’ll feel back in your groove with new clients onboarding and big deals closing. Remember to trust your intuition, as some offers are worth declining.

    Remember: Four of Swords: Practice Presence and Patience

    Patience may not be Leo’s strong suit, but come the end of Q1 and the beginning of Aries season (March 21), it’s essential to strategize the timing of a major launch or initiative for the long haul—which may include pushing out the timeline.

    Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

    Lean In: Page of Pentacles: Eyes on the Prize

    Virgos are one of the hardest working signs in the zodiac, but can also be notoriously critical of themselves. Shift your focus to a desired outcome, affecting the time near the Virgo full moon on March 14, and your manifestation skills magnetize even bigger wins than expected.

    Watch Out: Four of Cups: Don’t Overcommit Yourself in Q1

    Though too many opportunities are a good problem to have, make sure to set yourself and your team up for the most success in the long haul. This may mean declining or delaying certain offers or initiatives for later in the year.

    Remember: Nine of Pentacles: Celebrate the Current Wins

    It can be easy, especially for a Virgo, to continue moving on to the next order of business. Still, it’s equally important to pause and celebrate the successes you and your team have accomplished from the end of 2024 through the beginning of Q1. Shining light on those wins will generate more success.

    Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

    Lean In: Queen of Swords: Decisiveness is Rewarded

    From January through early March, we have an advantageous cosmic window of momentum with few retrogrades. Utilize this time to make confident decisions and set up structures for the next few months.

    Watch Out: Five of Pentacles: Keep Looking Forward

    Though it is important to learn from past mistakes, it seems that by the full moon in Cancer on January 13, certain colleagues or collaborators may be harping on 2024 missteps. Now is the time to acknowledge and focus on new solutions.

    Remember: The Chariot: An Object in Motion Stays in Motion

    Your business has an advantage in 2025, and you start out the year feeling that flow. It’s important not to let over-analysis or past fears grab hold. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18), a fellow air season, holds a lot of important connections and meetings.

    Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

    Lean In: Six of Cups: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

    Scorpios are powerful leaders but can also struggle with the desire to control dynamics. You have a great team and a wealth of resources around you. The value of delegation and collaboration will become clearer by January 3 when Venus enters Pisces.

    Watch Out: Three of Swords: Trust Issues 

    As we approach the full moon in Leo on February 12, pressure around closing a significant deal or contract may cause trust issues. Are collaborators fulfilling their end of the bargain? Conscious communication and asking hard questions are key.

    Remember: Death/Rebirth: Change Brings Expansion

    Scorpio rules the Death/Rebirth card and brings significant shifts to help us expand. Embrace the changes and redirections early on in Q1, and the rest of the quarter will reward you financially and mentally as a result.

    Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

    Lean In: Ace of Wands: Reinvigorated Passion

    Though you experienced significant growth and business wins in 2024, you may not have felt like your full “LFG self” last year. Ace of Wands brings an exciting new project at the beginning of January (likely near the eighth when Mercury enters Capricorn) that ignites your fiery Sagittarian passion.

    Watch Out: Judgement: Leave Old Stories of Imposter Syndrome in 2024

    2024 brought significant changes that celebrated and challenged how you view your work. This year brings a massive career upgrade, so it’s more important than ever not to let stories of unworthiness or imposter syndrome take over.

    Remember: The Magician: Intention is Everything

    The Magician is “the manifestation card” and reminds us that we design our path with what we give energy to. Starting 2025 with career intentions rather than a resolutions list will help keep you on track and ensure that your manifestations arrive efficiently.

    Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19)

    Lean In: The Wheel of Fortune: Embrace the Change

    If you were wishing for more dynamic change throughout 2024, it’s now arriving in time for your birthday. This year brings more abundance and opportunity for growth, especially by January 8, when Mercury enters your sign with good news that continues throughout the quarter.

    Watch Out: Five of Cups: Reprioritization Opens Doors

    You start the year and first quarter with a renewed sense of confidence that also helps you to make some challenging decisions by mid-February. You know what needs to be released—now is the time to make space for what 2025 has to deliver.

    Remember: The Star: Your Ability to Release the Old Pays Off

    Strength and discernment are compensated in real time this quarter. Finalize what you can for the first quarter by the new moon in Pisces on February 28 for the maximum rewards.

    Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

    Lean In: The Fool: Inspiring New Perspectives

    This quarter houses your season, astrologically speaking, and your time to shine. A significant new opportunity you may have started conversations with at the end of 2024 will be finalized by the new moon in Aquarius on January 29.

    Watch Out: Six of Pentacles: Collaboration vs. Outsourcing Your Power

    If one of your work resolutions for the new year is balance, you can practice this significantly in February. A new collaborator with big energy comes to the table by the full moon in Leo (February 12). Find the balance and assert your opinions.

    Remember: The Emperor: Structure Serves

    New opportunities in 2025 offer you more autonomy and freedom, but creating a solid structure for you and your team will set you up for the most success this quarter and this year.

    Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

    Lean In: The Empress: You Can Create Your Own Success 

    Last year came with many challenges, but it also demonstrated that you’re the author of your own success story. Giving yourself gratitude for what you’ve created this far in your career will remind you of what you’re capable of in 2025.

    Watch Out: Eight of Cups: Let It Go

    The new moon in Pisces on February 28 opens a powerful new door in your career. To enter it, you must let go of your grip on something that’s been holding you back. You know what this is, and you are ready to release it.

    Remember: Ace of Swords: New Year, New Stories

    The Ace of Swords is the throat chakra ace, reminding us of the power of our voice and the importance of our words. Much like the Hebrew root of the word abracadabra, “I create as I speak.” Your words about yourself and your work create your level of success in 2025.

    Start 2025 off strong with 足球竞彩网 Assembly

    Q1 is your chance to be proactive and ensure your team plays at their peak throughout 2025 (and beyond). Whether you need a fresh pipeline of skilled tech talent—or to upskill and reskill the talent you have—we’re your partner to make it real. 


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