Shiren Vijiasingam, Author at 足球竞彩网 Assembly Blog

About Shiren Vijiasingam

Shiren Vijiasingam has spent the last two decades building product experiences that use technology to amplify the human impact. As chief product officer at 足球竞彩网 Assembly, he leads the product, design, learning, engineering, and data teams in blending live instruction with personalized, augmented digital learning and assessment. Before GA, as SVP of product at Weight Watchers, he led a major digital transformation to engage and motivate a global community of members toward lasting behavior change.

Don’t Frustrate Users With Gaps in Your Product Experience


There are countless steps where the product experience can break down.

There are countless steps where the product experience can break down.

There are countless steps where the product experience can break down. Have you ever been waiting at the corner for a ride-sharing pickup, and while the app swears the driver is right there, there is no car in sight? Or how about seamlessly ordering groceries in an app, then waiting well past the delivery window with no sign of your avocados? Ever called customer service by phone to learn they have no record of the two detailed chats you had with online agents about your issue? We’ve all been there.

As consumers who increasingly rely on technology to help us wrangle a vast range of goods and services, we’ve all experienced pain points when really good software doesn’t equate a really good experience. All too often, there’s a breakdown that occurs outside product screens, when a product or process hits the reality of the human experience or a user fails.

Take a peek at the diagram above, which charts the various user touch points that can occur with your brand in a product experience loop. Users interact with a product through many different channels and modes of communication, and bridging the gaps between them is essential to your product’s success. If you present users with a custom call to action in a social media ad, your customer service teams must be ready to respond. If you build an offer email that is redeemable at a brick-and-mortar retail location, the cashier will need tools to redeem it.

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