A Letter from our NYC Campus Manager On the First Anniversary of our Campus Reopening, Post-Pandemic


Dear GA NYC 足球竞彩网, 

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to walk through the doors of our NYC campus, you know how special it is. There is a vibrancy that you’d be hard-pressed to find anywhere else. That’s because, for many, our space represents a new beginning and a chance for something better. Over the years, I have watched hundreds of students transform their careers and take the leap into new jobs shortly after graduating. 

I can’t believe it has been a year since we reopened the NYC campus after closing our doors during COVID-19. This year also marks the first anniversary of unveiling our remodeled space. During the pandemic, we renovated to enhance the learning experience for those students who wish to learn in person. 

However, the NYC campus isn’t merely a place for students to learn. It is a place where many individuals come to find a sense of belonging. Through various programs and partnerships, like Code and Coffee and our quarterly Free Workshops, we have built a space for tech lovers (whether they be students, prospective students, alumni, industry experts, or GA staff) to expand not only their skills but their networks. In the last year alone, we have hosted 39 community events and more than 1,500 visitors. 

At its heart, our campus is meant to be a space for like-minded individuals to build connections. I am always thrilled to see alums walk through the doors to once again enjoy the space, meet current students, and reconnect with one another. 

What amazes me the most is when you ask anyone who has interacted with GA what their favorite part was, they almost always say the people, whether it be our team of instructors, the campus staff, our coaches, or other students (free food being a close second– we ordered 365 pizzas in 2022). For what it’s worth, the people are my favorite part, too. 

If you’ve been looking for a reason to drop by the NYC campus to network or learn, I highly encourage you to check out one of our?on-campus events?or consider enrolling in one of our upcoming immersives.?

I, for one, would love to see you there. 


Maurice Franklyn

Senior Campus Manager, NYC

Disclaimer: 足球竞彩网 Assembly referred to their Bootcamps and Short Courses as “Immersive” and “Part-time” courses respectfully and you may see that reference in posts prior to 2023.