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4 Exercises To Help You Unlock Your Dream Career



Live your passion.?Follow your bliss.?Do what you love.?

You¡¯ve probably heard advice like this when it comes to finding and achieving your dream career. But what if you’re not sure what your passion is? Or what if you have many passions??If either scenario is the case for you, then this advice remains vague and largely unhelpful.

I¡¯ve worked with thousands of creative people on their dream career development since 2008, and what I kept finding was this:

It¡¯s not about doing what you love or loving what you do. It¡¯s about getting clarity on your lifestyle goals, and then figuring out what you need to do to bring them to life.

Simply put, a ¡°dream career¡± is one that allows you to wake up in the morning, think about the day ahead, and look forward to at least 70% of it. If you’re doing work you enjoy with people you like being around, and it leaves room for your personal priorities, then you¡¯re in the sweet spot.

Do you want your lifestyle to allow you to pick up your kids from the bus and spend quality time with them until bed? Then that¡¯s a piece of your dream career puzzle.

Do you want to be able to work from anywhere, filling up your passport quickly? Then that¡¯s a piece of your dream career puzzle.

Do you want to be able to attend a lunchtime yoga class every weekday? Then that¡¯s a piece of your dream career development puzzle.

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5 TED Talks to Help You Discover Your Passion



Are you finding it hard to finally resolve to do something new in your career in 2016??Maybe you¡¯re starting the year bogged down in endless work that you don¡¯t enjoy. Or maybe you¡¯re dealing with something more permanent, and you feel like you¡¯ve lost an important spark in your career development.

Regardless of your situation, it¡¯s important to take a step back and remember: everyone goes through these dips and spikes in their careers. Even more? The power is in your hands to course-correct and find the right path forward.

You need inspiration. But contrary to the popular saying, inspiration doesn¡¯t just ¡®strike.¡¯ You need to go out and find it. Get in the right mindset for 2016 with the following TED talks.

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Top Personality Traits of Every Successful Startup Founder


women in tech discuss product management skills

Photo: WOC in Tech

A recent University of Phoenix survey showed that 63% of 20-somethings have a strong desire to start a business. That¡¯s a great first step: desire. But what else does it take to start a business that is sustainable? Since 1999, right around the time many of these 20-somethings were born, I¡¯ve started seven businesses. Five of them failed. In that time, I’ve learned from experience what it takes to be a startup founder.?

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4 Ways to Prepare for Negotiating Your First Offer As a Developer



Many of our graduates from the Web Development Immersive program take our course to find work in the tech field as junior developers. As I support them with negotiating their first offers for those roles, there are certain steps that I cover with them, as a Career Coach, to make sure they set themselves up for success. Half of the negotiation process is the prep work you put in prior to negotiation. If you, too, are ?interviewing for your first role as a developer, here are 3 steps you can take to position yourself for a well-negotiated offer.

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How To Win Your First Product Management Job



Nice work. You just scored an interview for a product manager position¡ªone of the hottest and highest-paying roles right now according to Glassdoor. Companies know that product managers play a key role in their success or failure. And they are making sure that hiring the best is a top priority.

You probably have no idea what to expect from this first interview¡ªespecially if you are trying to transition into the field from engineering or marketing. How can you pivot into this new role? What qualities are they looking for, and how should you present yourself?

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5 Ways to Follow Up After a Job Interview


Interview follow up image

Landed an interview at a company? Congrats! Dedicated time to research the role and prepare questions to ask your interviewer? Smart! Assuming they will let you know what happens next? Nope.

Following up after your meeting matters almost as much as the interview itself, and yet many people opt to do nothing for fear of making the wrong move.

But doing nothing is the wrong move because it increases?your chances of being forgotten. With the right tactics, you will stay top of mind, and impress the hiring manager.

These five tips will help you follow up tactfully and effectively after your next interview:

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Why You Need a Mentor Early in Your Career


As young careers get going, it’s a great idea to seek the advice of mentors when faced with new obstacles. Arthur Woods, co-founder and COO of Imperative, certainly learned this as he transitioned from the non-profit to for-profit sector early in his career. Watch his interview here to learn more about how he made the most of his time at Google and how his mentor taught him how to let his personal and professional identities healthily coexist.

Arthur Woods is the co-founder and COO of Imperative, a career management platform that helps both individuals and companies foster professional development. Prior to co-founding Imperative, Woods led operations at YouTube EDU, as well as co-founded Compass Fellowship.

For more?Lessons Learned?videos like this one, sign up for our 5-part series, delivered conveniently to your inbox.

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7 Ways to Optimize Your LinkedIn To Boost Your Personal Brand



With more than 275 million users, including executives of nearly every Fortune 500 足球竞彩网, LinkedIn has become a powerful tool for defining your personal brand, establishing credibility, and networking with business connections. Are you making the most out of your presence within this network?

Getting setup on the platform is just step one¡ªbelow are seven ways to ensure you are putting your best foot forward on this essential platform. To dive deeper into this subject, watch ¡°Use LinkedIn to Land a Job in Digital Marketing¡± by our Outcomes & Alumni manager, Katie Hudson.

1. Headshot

Think of your headshot as your first impression for your future employer. You may love that beach pic from your vacation in Maui, or that one shot of you and your squad at the bar¡ªbut (most) employers aren’t looking for a buddy to go out with, they are looking for a sharp and reliable worker. Make sure to use a clean, professional image of yourself (and just yourself) that comes off as friendly and polished, focusing on just your head and shoulders.

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