Albrina Mendes, Author at 足球竞彩网 Assembly Blog | Page 5

About Albrina Mendes

Albrina is a multi-hyphenate Content Marketing Manager. She has a diverse background in Event Planning, Strategic 足球竞彩网 Building, Copy Writing and Creative Storytelling, she specializes in curating digital media that captures attention and drives actionable results.

How to Successfully Network Your Way into a Tech Career


Networking is a skill that can supercharge your career in tech. The old adage is true: it¡¯s not always just what you know, but who you know. Your network will play a huge role in where your career takes you, what roles you are considered for, and how quickly you learn new tools and techniques. Plus, networking can introduce you to lifelong friends¡ªand you can even have fun along the way.

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Prepare For & Nail Your First Tech Interview: Here¡¯s How


Technical jobs are some of the highest-paying ones out there. If you want to get into tech, you’ll need to master a set of hard and soft skills and your tech interview skills to land the job you love.

Technical interviews are designed to assess candidates’ problem-solving skills inside the company and their suitability for the role, including their depth of knowledge in the field or any potential difficulties that may arise on the job. They also aim to gauge whether applicants have good communication skills and problem-solving abilities.

To start, here are some critical tech interview do¡¯s and don¡¯ts.

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Building a Future Ready Workforce: How Employer and 足球竞彩网 Partnerships are Leading The Way


With the technology industry changing faster than ever, companies need a workforce that can evolve just as quickly. But how can these companies develop a pipeline as agile and versatile as the workers they hope to employ one day? And how can private and public sector partnerships build future-proof workforce development programs by tapping into their communities

Our VP of Government & Workforce Partnerships, Priya Ramanathan sat down to discuss this problem with Kelly Martin (Head of Strategy & Operations at M&T Bank) and Sarah Tanbakuchi (President & CEO of TechBuffalo). They fleshed out lessons they¡¯ve learned, particularly from the hard-working graduates that made up their first Data Analytics cohort. Keep reading to get crucial tips for rethinking your candidate pipeline. 

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